BFP: Without Your Guardian Angel, You Will Fail Play in new window | DownloadWhen Our Lord was in the garden, He experienced what we call the agony. It was the agony in the Garden. In the last blog post on Bellarmine Forum, we learn that a chief point of St. Raphael’s speech is to tell us: “God tries those who love Him.”…
6 Things the Archangel Raphael Taught in the Longest Angelic Speech in Scriptures
Many ask what Saint Raphael the Archangel did and who he is. Raphael is an archangel and he appeared to Tobit (Tobias) in the Old Testament. He gave the longest speech of any angel in scriptures and the most poignant part he said, “God tries those who love Him.” Raphael therefore, is not just medicine…
Leo XIII, October 13th, and the Feast of St. Michael
Leo XIII was tied into Fatima and Akita and he saw that St. Michael would be the one to halt the destruction of the Church — but this would need to happen first.
BFP Our Lady’s Bloody Hand 47 Years Ago
A shocking event happens at Mass and a statue of Our Lady begins bleeding from a wound on the statue’s right hand. It is tied directly to Communion in the Hand. Mother Church validated the miraculous event as well.
When the dioceses mail more fund appeals than tracts preaching repentance, we’ve lost the preaching on repentance and reliance in God – the apostolic mission.
BFP: An Empty Hell Means No Triumph of the Cross Play in new window | DownloadWhat people say and what they really believe are often different. There was the famous English free-thinker, Hobbes. He used to stridently assert his whole life that there was neither God nor angel, still less was there a devil or hell. Despite all his strident insistence, however, he had the greatest dread…
If The Bishops Were Only as Aware as Goodyear – new Group Fighting for Fr. Rothrock
Goodyear went full BLM support and they are on retreat from the silent majority. Same thing with Fr. Rothrock, but he hasn’t been reinstated yet. The quiet sheep in Carmel IN are organizing a new group.
A Text in the Night
Want to help those dying alone in coronavirus isolation? Enter St. Roch (Rocco)
BFP Aug 15 Hagia Sophia Closed Lest The Angels Take Stock
Our Lord does not always think it is time for the sword, but when it is, His angels are fast to use it. The events at the Hagia Sophia seem to indicate time is up. Buckle up.
One More Thing to Offer Up … FaceMasks
And now masks. Everywhere. Never mind that on any given day the scientific community says masks are important in containing the coronavirus and the next week could suggest maybe not. Never mind everyone agrees social distancing prevents contagion, yet at widely televised funerals of important people, at riots, at Florida beaches, people are in close…