Day 1 (Nov 27) – What Advent Is
1. Advent is the season when we are taught to look forward both to the first coming of Our Lord into the world at Christmas-time, and also to His second coming at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. His first coming was to seek and to save that which was lost. His second coming will be to gather His elect into the celestial paradise, and to trample all His enemies under His feet. Shall I on that day be regarded by Him as a friend or as an enemy? Is my present life one of devotion to Him and union with Him, or one of selfishness, pride, impatience of the yoke of Christ?
2. Of all the miracles in the world never was there one to be compared to His coming on earth in the form of a man. It was a miracle so entirely above and beyond our reason that unless we knew it by faith to be a fact we should be inclined to pronounce it impossible. That the infinite God should take the form of a creature! That the Eternal Word should be clad in a body formed of the dust of the earth! That He should of His own accord leave the highest heaven for a life of suffering and a death of agony! Nothing but the power of God could work such a wonder as this.
3. Yet we know that it is a fact. “For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven.” He yearned after us with a divine love. Willingly, joyfully, almost eagerly He stripped Himself of all His glory. “He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death.” Who after this can refuse to believe that He loved us and still loves us fondly, tenderly? Who can refuse to love Him in return, and to show this love by a loyal obedience to all that He asks of us?
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Day 2 (Nov 28) The Divine Decree
This article, Day 1 (Nov 27) – What Advent Is is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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