March 31st — St. Joseph, Protector of the Faithful

31st Day.— St. Joseph, Protector of the Faithful.

1.  When God bade St. Joseph arise and take the Child and His Mother and fly into Egypt, He was committing unto him, under the guise of Jesus and Mary, the care of the universal Church.  As to Mary were entrusted all Christians in the words, “Woman, behold thy son,” so to St. Joseph in the angel’s message.  He was to be our guardian and protector.  He was to keep us safe in the dangerous journey of life; he was to console us and care for us in darkness and sorrow while we wait in this land of exile for the summons to our true home.  Joseph, too, is to bring us safely into the promised land at last.  O holy St. Joseph, be my friend and my protector and my keeper, amid all difficulties and dangers and temptations.

2.  St. Joseph has care of the Church, the mystical body of Christ, as he had care of the mortal body of Jesus.  He has to watch over it and guard its temporal interests.  He has to defend it against the bitter enemies who seek its destruction.  How often he has driven them back!  How often, when all seemed lost, he has restored to the Church of God peace and prosperity!  No weapon aimed against it can harm it, for God has given to St. Joseph the privilege of keeping it ever safe.

3.  St. Joseph is also the protector of all his clients.  In their temporal affairs how trusty a friend, saving them in circumstances apparently hopeless!  In spiritual necessities how prompt to aid, how unfailing in resource!  Oh, trust in St. Joseph, wait patiently for him, and he will obtain for thee the desires of thy heart.



This article, March 31st — St. Joseph, Protector of the Faithful is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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