March 6th — The Annunciation.

6th Day. — The Annunciation.

1.  Our Lady’s peaceful life at Nazareth with her chaste and holy spouse had continued for some weeks or months when that wondrous message came to her that she was to be the Mother of God.  The Son of God became Incarnate in her holy womb!  How it must have transformed her whole life to know that her God dwelt within her!  She was no longer Joseph’s spouse before all else; he had to give place to One holier than he, to One Who was not mere man, but God!  Now she was before all and above all the sacred house in which the Eternal Wisdom of God dwelt under a veil of flesh!

2.  Did Joseph perceive any change in her?  Yes; he was conscious of a dignity, of a grace, of a divinity encircling Mary, which with all her holiness had not been there before.  Mary’s sanctity was transformed.  She herself, who before had been like a beautiful crystal, was now like a crystal through which some brilliant light continually darted its rays of splendor.  So ought we to be when we receive holy Communion.  What a change it should make in us!  How in our conversation the recent presence of our God within us should show its divine effects in us!

3.  Why did not Mary tell Joseph?  She could not.  She who always acted under divine inspiration was inspired to conceal the divine secret.  How could she, with her humility, reveal this unexampled privilege?  She knew all that her silence would bring on her, but until God urged her to speak she would be silent.  Are we similarly guided by God in all things, and are we anxious to conceal what exalts us in the eyes of others?



This article, March 6th — The Annunciation. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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