How Dare He!
There he was, in Tampa, in all of his presidential glory, suit and tie, with a funeral solemnity etched on his face.

Nikki Fried, Florida Democratic Party Chairman was speaking to a crowd on abortion rights. Then she said these words:
“We come back here to the state of Florida, where Ron DeSantis felt like he needed to run for president. So 15 weeks [abortions banned after 15 weeks] wasn’t good enough.”
At this point, President Joe Biden made the Sign of the Cross – was it invoking God to save us from so terrible a travesty as an abortion ban? He, marked with the sign of sacred Baptism, he who touts his Catholic Faith and makes sure there are photo-ops of him shaking hands with priests wherever he attends Mass, he used the sign of Christ Crucified to sanction the words of a woman complaining about limitations on the abortion – the murder – of living unborn children of God. As a Catholic, Joe Biden should not have even been in a venue promoting death to babies in the womb.
Elsewhere in Tampa, a couple of days before, Biden himself spoke to a crowd of screeching women. “Hello, Florida! Hello, hello…God love you,” he began and then continued on to decry assaults on reproductive rights, reproductive freedom, especially Florida’s coming six-week ban on abortions, “before they [the women] know they’re pregnant,” he whined. Citing the US Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v Wade rolling back the “right” to privacy two years ago, he blamed Donald Trump “for this nightmare,” that is, the nightmare of protecting life in the womb.
Biden played to the screams of the women, telling them stopping abortion was “cruelty” and “we can stop [this cruelty] when you vote.” He condemned the concept of each state having a right to determine abortion rights. That’s “wrong, it should be a constitutional right” and “Kamala and I will make Roe v Wade the law of the land,” he proclaimed.
His concluding words to the audience? “God love you.”
This man is going around the country promoting death to the unborn, preaching in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Faith he claims to follow. How dare he!

Are you listening, Bishop Robert Gruss of Saginaw? You said the man didn’t know his Catholic Faith, he was just “stupid.” And you walked your words back even from so mild a criticism. I have a mentally challenged daughter. She knows Catholic teaching is against abortion. She even goes to protest at an abortion clinic. And you think the President of the United States doesn’t know this teaching? This lifelong Catholic in his 80s? You’ve been played, Your Excellency. Listen to, read the full accounts from Fox News of these Florida incidents in the stories by Timothy Nerozzi (April 25) or Thomas Catenacci (April 24). There, for all to see and hear, Biden is directly calling for reproductive rights, reproductive freedom. Reproduction means creating new life. We all have a right to engage in reproduction, people seem to be copulating all the time. But these buzz words in today’s semantics really mean reproductive destruction, destroying the child in the womb who dared to be conceived in an act originally meant to fulfill marital love.
Joseph Biden presents as a fumbling old man, seemingly confused when talking about things. When responding to questions in a deposition, he even acted as if he had blurred memories about his time in the White House. That investigation was tabled because it didn’t seem right to prosecute a man with such a poor memory. He seems energetic enough while campaigning for abortion rights, however. No confusion there, very deliberate words, in fact. Calling him stupid about his faith is too kind. Joseph Biden is traveling around the country and calling for death to the unborn. Murder. He shows up at campaign venues, college campuses, and proclaims he wants to make Roe v Wade the law of the land. This is more than being stupid about his Catholic Faith. This is deliberate, this is evil.
Wake up, Catholics! This man, Joe Biden, is not what he pretends to be. He’s not a sweet grandpa who fumbles around now and then. He is a man with a clear and diabolical mission.
Wake up Bishops! Stop being afraid of losing your tax exemption. SPEAK THE TRUTH! Souls depend on you to lead in the path of righteousness, to see what is really going on around us and call it out for what it is – the presence of evil that we cannot allow to conquer our nation.
This article, How Dare He! is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.
Thank you Ms. Pawlaski, we so need to hear the Truth spoken so boldly, thank you and God Bless you
The Democratic party is not what it used to be do not vote Democratic for Republican though Trump if you like freedom and babies. The Democratic party is trying to steal your first amendment right freedom of speech and freedom of religion.