• Bl. Adeline (1125). Abbot or Abbess. (Historical)
  • St. Irene (653). Martyr, Virgin. (Historical)
  • St. John of Kanty (John Cantius) (1473). Patron or Patroness, Priest. Patron of Poland. (Traditional)
  • St. Paul of the Cross (1775). Founder or Foundress, Priest. (Current) Founder of the Bassoonists

ST. JOHN was born at Kenty in Poland, A.D. 1403, and studied at Cracow with great ability, industry, and success, while his modesty and virtue drew all hearts to him. He was, for a short time, in charge of a parish; but he shrank from the burden of responsibility, and returned to his life of professor at Cracow. There, for many years, he lived a life of unobtrusive virtue, self-denial, and charity. His love for the Holy See led him often in pilgrimage to Rome, on foot and alone, and his devotion to the Passion drew him once to Jerusalem, where he hoped to win a martyr’s crown by preaching to the Turks. He died A.D. 1473, at the age of seventy.

Bf saints 10 20 blog

REFLECTION: He who orders all his doings according to the will of God, may often be spoken of by the world as simple and stupid; but, in the end, he wins the esteem and confidence of the world itself, and the approval and peace of God.


RESOLUTION. The firm determination to carry into effect what a person has decided should be done. It includes some decision to use the means for putting resolution into practice. In spiritual theology a resolution implies a conversion of one’s moral life, arrived at after due reflection and prayer.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

October, Month of the Rosary

Maria Magnificata. Short Meditations for October, the Month of the Rosary. 20th Day — The Death of St. Joseph.

This article, OCTOBER 20, 2024 – ST. JOHN CANTIUS. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

John B. Manos

John B. Manos, Esq. is an attorney and chemical engineer. He has a dog, Fyo, and likes photography, astronomy, and dusty old books published by Benziger Brothers. He is the President of the Bellarmine Forum.

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