fides et ratio

Wanted: Intellectually Competent Bishops and Priests

In the opinion of this writer, one of the most evident marks of decline in the Church in the past 50 years has been the virtual non-existence of an authentic intellectual life in seminaries and among the episcopate. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to chart the decline of the intellectual capacity of the clergy (and…


Do Scientists Make Bad Arguments for God’s Existence?

I’ve seen an article making the rounds on social media that claims that a scientist has found definitive proof for God. It is full of phrases like “primitive semi – radius tachyons” purporting to show that science has finally proven that God does exist. I’ve seen many well intentioned Christians share this article; I’m sure in…


The Chairman Instructs Michael Voris…

…and the rest of us! Essential viewing!


A Continuing Program for the Next Pope? Fr. Mark Moriarty on the Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI

Ed. Note. In the midst of the Conclave, the Bellarmine Forum is pleased to offer this guest commentary by Fr. Mark Moriarty, Pastor and Superintendent of the Church and School of Saint Agnes in St. Paul, Minnesota. This commentary was adapted from Father’s bulletin article of March 10, 2013 and is offered as a tribute…


The Confidence of Campion

In the Preface to the American edition of his 1946 biography of the Jesuit saint and martyr, Edmund Campion, Evelyn Waugh wrote: We have seen the Church driven underground in one country after another. The martyrdom of Fr. Pro in Mexico re-enacted Campion’s. In fragments and whispers we get news of the other saints in…