John B. Manos

Is Annunciation Really Today? Why Would it Bother Me?

As we discussed back on March 25th, today is the feast of the Annunciation, or is it? Is Pope Francis really ruining the Western Church, or is the uncertainty of a day like today? What should we be irritated by today?


Why Pontius Pilate is in the Apostles Creed, not Judas or the Jews. Gird your loins for the answer.

Of all the people and names surrounding the Passion and Crucifixion of Our Lord, why is Pontius Pilate singled out in the Apostles Creed by name? The answer will startle you.


You should read this: The Life of St. Mary of Egypt

The Story of Saint Mary of Egypt and Father Zosimas is a perennially rich source of grace for lent. Enjoy reading this with your family this week.

Cathedral of Christ Our Savior on the Moscow River

Onion Domes on the Seine! (or, Our Lord will be Praised) – updated

The stones in France refuse to praise Our Lord, so it looks like the Russians will.


Englishing the Liturgy

In presenting background for the 2011 linguistic changes in the Mass, the Wanderer Forum Foundation hopes to initiate a revitalization of faith. While many instructions to the faithful merely concentrate on the change in the words, we hope this background on the Mass explains why the change was needed to safeguard the true teachings of…