The Second Vatican Council: Tradition and Continuity
How Could “They” Get It So Wrong?
- Did Pope Benedict XVI say that Vatican II was wrong?
- Read Frank Morriss, who has been part of the Bellarmine Forum from the start, explain Lumen Gentium for what it really says.
- Includes a Quick Fact Sheet — A handy reference on Vatican II that helps to understand the Council, its documents, and what is really there.
- Enjoy discussion that is free of the “Spirit of Vatican II” and anything else that stinks.
- Laurene Conner’s Historical Survey of the Popes of Conciliar Renewal is a concise tracing of the lead-up to Vatican II — showing the trends that formed the real Council.
The Documents of the Second Vatican Council are plainly written, yet the so-called People of God got shafted: churches stripped of their beauty, teachings twisted, sacred hymns replaced by hand-clapping folk music–all in the name of a “spirit” of Vatican II that bears no resemblance to that sacred gathering.
How could this be? In the words of Benedict XVI, the “Council of the Media” created their own version of that historic event. And the experts who attended with each prelate could interpret, write, lecture, invent what they wanted about the Council, thus adding fuel to the fires of change by spreading personal opinions instead of the age-old teachings the Council Fathers really discussed.
The Council Documents Need to be Read Correctly
Pope Benedict XVI suggested that the Council was misinterpreted, that the documents had not been read correctly, with the mind of the Church. It is to look at the Second Vatican Council with the mind of the Church that the Bellarmine Forum Magazine has committed its four issues in this Year of Faith. What did the Council really say about the liturgy, about religious life, about the role of the laity? Open our pages and find out.
“No one can claim to be a Conciliar Catholic, a believer in Vatican II, and at the same time be an anti-Papal Catholic.”–Frank Morriss, Board of Directors, Bellarmine Forum
“It is the virtue of Faith that we must cultivate in the one true Church that Christ has established, for faith in the Church is faith in Christ Himself.”–John M. DeJak, President, Bellarmine Forum
“The Church sees herself at the service of humanity, not just of her members.”–Michael Adkins, Academic Dean, Saint Agnes School
This article, The Second Vatican Council: Tradition and Continuity is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.
can you please publish St. Robert Bellarmine’s treatise “On The Temporal Power of The Pope” – I stumbled upon an English translation by the US Army in 500 copies in the stacks of Princeton U. Firestone Library, but couldn’t borrow it. ty.