thoughtlessness of modern thought

The De Smet Statuary at SLU: An Alternative Approach

by Fr. Claude Pavur, S.J. Editor’s Note:  This guest commentary is by Fr. Claude Pavur, S.J. on the recent controversy surrounding the Fr. De Smet statue at St. Louis University. Fr. Pavur is a well-respected Jesuit priest and scholar–formerly of St. Louis University, now at Boston College–and the Bellarmine Forum is honored to have his contribution here. The two…


From Under the Rubble…The Persecution Complex

In early April, Pope Francis warned Catholics that proclaiming the Gospel comes with a price, the price of persecution. “There will always be persecutions, misunderstandings,” he said. “But Jesus is Lord and this is the challenge and the Cross of our faith. May the Lord give us the grace to go on His path and,…


Gay Marriage is ‘A Sign of Apocalypse’: Russian Patriarch Kiril Speaks His Mind

In America, we are all too familiar with the scene where one person speaks their mind and states an opinion contrary to what others perceive to be the “correct” thing to say. Immediately, that person will be jumped on verbally and accused of being any various number of things, “arrogant,” “intolerant,” or worse, sometimes they…


From Under the Rubble…Should the Church Abandon Humanae Vitae?

Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae on July 25, 1968. It has had a rough ride ever since. Bishops admit that they’ve been reluctant to teach it. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, Chairman of the bishops’ “Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth,” acknowledges that “the majority of Catholics still do not know about Church…