The Dormition (Assumption) of Mary from Around the World
It always surprises me when somebody makes the claim that the Pope invents theology and tries to support their claim by pointing to the dogmatic pronouncement of the Assumption (Dormition) of Mary. A brief little tour of cathedrals and icons dedicated to this feast shows that the Dormition is a part of Christianity to the very core and beginning. Why? Because Mary shows us that Jesus did conquer death. Literally.
Last year, I gave an account of the story of the Dormition and miracles thereat. This year, I’m giving a survey places dedicated to her feast from around the world. The feast of the Assumption of Mary is a big deal! It is one of the five feasts to Mary (Seven feasts for Our Lord, and Three for the Saints, collectively). Next year, I may give a survey of history changing miracles Our Lady has brought on August 15th that earned her the title Triumphant Leader.
St. Peter Damian and St. Alphonsus tell us: On the anniversary of the Assumption of Mary thousands of souls are delivered from their prison. In other words, the event was already recognized as primary significance to salvation. After all, if Jesus meant it, that we who follow Him are to receive life eternal, then Mary would be the first, since she is the model for the rest of us.
So strong the significance that this feast is often referred to in Church history as the “second Easter” or “little Pascha.”
Kiev was founded as a city when the land was part of Poland. It should be no surprise, given the dedication of Poles to the Mother of God, that the cathedral of Kiev is in honor of her Dormition:
Photo by Matt. Create.
Photo by thisisbossi
In those days, prior to Brest and the unilateral demand of the government abolishing eastern rites in Poland, Poland was a mixture of Byzantine rites (it was, after all the work of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, two Greeks, that was principal to the faith in Poland).
All of the Slavic lands, even the Rus, were smitten with the promise held in the meaning of the Dormition: Jesus will come for you, too — follow Him, Heaven is real for those who follow Him through the example of His Mother. The Dormition is the feast that leads to the practice of Total Consecration to Mary. See, for instance, the dedication of the Tsars in building a proper palace placed the Cathedral of the Dormition right in the Kremlin:
Photo by Kwong Yee Cheng
After all, proper leadership should follow the example of the Triumphant Leader, Mary. The cathedral is the home of miraculous icons of Mary. It is a fitting church inside for Mary as well:
Photo by Miradortigre
But the Slavs and Rus are not the only ones to have made permanent devotions to this event of the little Pascha, even in the Holy Land, the Church of the Dormition has been a fixture nearly since Mary was assumed!

Church of the Dormition. Jerusalem.
Photo by Fazia_
Inside the church the meaning of little Pascha is explained:
Photo by Greg Sass
Photo by Greg Sass
In addition to Mass today, say a little prayer to Our Blessed Mother and ask her to show you that the promises of Jesus are real. Maybe some inspiration can come from the links I provided above.
Mary, assumed into Heaven by your Son, Our Lord, pray for us!
This article, The Dormition (Assumption) of Mary from Around the World is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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