John B. Manos

DO IT TODAY: A Quick and Simple Way to Stand Up for Humanae Vitae

We must comment on the HHS Contraceptive Mandate because it does not allow individuals to be exempt from government forcing us to accept contraception, sterilization, and abortion causing drugs — essentially the government forcing us to call evil good. Follow the directions herein to easily make your comment before the deadline tomorrow night.


Święconka tradition emulates the very first Easter – 7 foods, and Holy Saturday Blessing of Food

Holy Saturday, Easter baskets, and blessed food for first Easter meal. With the prayers usually prayed by the priest over the seven foods traditionally in the basket.


Why Pontius Pilate is in the Apostles Creed, not Judas or the Jews. Gird your loins for the answer.

Of all the people and names surrounding the Passion and Crucifixion of Our Lord, why is Pontius Pilate singled out in the Apostles Creed by name? The answer will startle you.


Irritations of Modern Liturgical Accommodations: Today is March 25th, Annunciation, except here

Somebody broke our calendar in the US… Today is March 25th, when for the twenty centuries up until now, we celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation.


You should read this: The Life of St. Mary of Egypt

The Story of Saint Mary of Egypt and Father Zosimas is a perennially rich source of grace for lent. Enjoy reading this with your family this week.


Pope to have Greek at Mass, keeps St Joseph readings, and continues St. John the Baptist theme

Words circulating the internets today have yielded some information about Pope Francis, SJ’s installation Mass tomorrow. He is whacking the offertory procession. Thanks be to God, I say. Unless people are bringing livestock and candles and rugs, I don’t see a point to this glamorization of lay people at the liturgy. The people should be…


“Yeah, and I am Napoleon” — Jesuit porter receives call from Pope Francis, SJ (video)

So Pope Francis, SJ, calls the Jesuit Curia himself, and asks for the Superior General, and upon identifying himself as Pope, the porter, having received many prank calls since the election of Pope Francis was put out, and reported that he nearly said, “Yeah, and I am Napolean” – HAH! But, Pope Francis calmly said,…


Jesus wasn’t good enough for them either, Pope Francis, S.J.

Just because the Pope is on the balcony before the people does not mean that the people are supposed to scream “crucify him!”


First Homily of Pope Francis, SJ

Read the full english text of the first homily of Pope Francis, SJ (courtesy Vatican Radio)


Uplifting anecdotes, and a story for your lent.

Three short stories from yesteryear to give you some meat to chew on for lent.