John B. Manos
Pope Francis Endorses Felt Banners, Guitars, Carol King “Hymns”, Church in the Round
If you read the headlines today, it sounds like Pope Francis made an infallible pronouncement! (whoa, step back!). America Magazine proclaimed: Pope Francis says with magisterial authority: the Vatican II liturgical reform is ‘irreversible’ CRUX rallied with a howling: Pope Francis says with magisterial authority: the Vatican II liturgical reform is ‘irreversible’ and both seemed to…
How churches, hymns, and liars lie today – BFP 004 Play in new window | DownloadIn this episode of the Bellarmine Forum podcast, John B. Manos discusses with you the two standards in today’s context: On one side, God is a Person (the Triune Person) – a living person who has thoughts, loves you, and became man. On the other side, God is a…
For $12 Million, at least build a Catholic Church – AmChurch in Las Vegas Diocese
Is it possible that AmChurch is plainly revealing the new theology dreamt of by modernists? Readers are no doubt aware of the modernists of whom Pope Pius X wrote who, like termites, consume the Church from within, and seek to introduce the new theology. The new theology, of course, is born of hell. It is…
SPECULATION: Did Putin Tell Trump to Out the Pedophiles, or he will? Spadaro’s PR coup
Pope Francis Warned of the Sacrilegious Cult. Banker Pedophiles? Spadaro threw a Molotov cocktail. Putin delivers an Ultimatum to Trump? And still no one is talking about the Vatican auditor that resigned. A few weeks ago, I was listening to the radio and the topic was the meeting of Trump and Putin at the G20….
From the Mail: How can a Vow be voluntary if Abraham Forced His servant to make one?
Bruno B. wrote in with a question about an entry on the Bellarmine Forum catechism in which a vow is explained as: “1. A vow is a promise voluntarily made to God, to perform some good action. The vow is a promise made to God. We call upon God implicitly, if not explicitly when we…
BFP 003: Landon DePasquale on his conversion, Mary, and the Shimabara Rebellion Play in new window | DownloadLandon DePasquale and Manos sit down to talk about his trip to the Catholic church from low church evangelical roots. Manos discovers that he stammers in these podcasts, but gets awestruck as they discuss how the Blessed Mother has a military plan that involves flanking the Turkic belt (by…
BFP 002: Fr. Anthony Mary OFM Conv talks about Kolbe, Rattisbonne’s conversion, Chicago, and Our Lady Play in new window | DownloadIn this second episode of our re-launched Bellarmine Forum podcast, Manos sits down with Friar Anthony Mary, a conventual Franciscan in Chicago. They talk about St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917, and events in Italy where Masons marched onto the Vatican singing hymns that Lucifer will reign and make the…
BFP 001: DeJak and Manos talk about Church, Wanderer, and old guys with polyester ties Play in new window | DownloadIf you found this post, then you are a little early because this post is part of the re-launched Bellarmine Forum podcast. This episode is one of the three for the re-launch of the podcast. (Thank you for the Hail Mary prayers… we’re on iTunes!) In this Episode… DeJak…
Aside: Mueller Story Distracting from the Police Raids?
Sometimes you just wonder something and keep the idea to yourself. Then, when someone else mentions it, you begin to think… “hmmm… I might not be alone in thinking that.” It’s human nature… we follow the latest sensational thing. Some call it the “watch the ball” sleight of hand politicians use. If a scandal erupts, do something outrageous. People…
Zuckerberg’s Facebook Church is Real … Don’t Misunderstand him
Recently, there was a bunch of hooey because Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said he thought Facebook groups could replace church for many people. I think he’s right. Unfortunately, I take the opposite stance that the Federalist took. They said Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t understand church. They explain that Facebook cannot replace church. See, Mark Zuckerberg Is Clueless About Church If He…