John B. Manos

Eternal Rest, Nicholas Gruner

Catholic Family News reports that Nicholas Gruner, aka Fr. Gruner, has passed away of a sudden death by heart attack. Says John Vennari in a blog post: Father Nicholas Gruner, RIP It is my sad duty to announce the sudden death of Father Nicholas Gruner He died suddenly late today of a heart attack while working…


Earth Day, Shmearth Day… Lenin and the Fig Tree

Today, April 22, is “Earth Day” according to some people who have the power to influence the media and make something from nothing. I don’t really remember when I first ever paid attention to the Earth Day thing. I know over the years it has grown into a cult of sorts, however. I say cult because I don’t…


Miracle: St. Gennaro’s Relics Re-Vivify for Pope Francis [VIDEOS]

I used to watch the Bob and Penny Lord shows because they had a great way of traveling around and finding some great things worldwide about the Church that were really neat. I don’t recall them covering Naples and the miracle of St. Gennaro (Januarius). I can hear what they would be saying, though. I…


The Errors of Russia… Occultism, Theosophy, demon worship

Last year, I had an ambitious multi-part Fatima post series that I never finished. Truth be told, I’ve had a project about twenty years collecting tidbits and collating information. I’ve never been satisfied that “Marxist atheism” adequately describes the errors of Russia in the context of Fatima’s warning that “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world.”…


St. Joseph had to believe

I have a number of icons and a few images in my office, one of which is pictured to the right. It is an old print titled “The Death of St. Joseph.”  I’ve always liked this print, because it points out the trust in God St. Joseph had to have in many ways. Joseph must have had…


Cremation Gets Funky

I don’t think people like to talk about their own funeral preparations. The Pope and most religious have to make theirs on the first day of their office. The rest of us are free to do whatever whenever, and some never even consider it leaving it to family to figure out. I know one thing:  I do not…


March 17 is Perfect for St. Patrick, don’t move this Feast!

Every year I wonder about the draw of so many to the green day. It used to be that you’d see shamrocks and the “Erin go braugh” or more recently, it seems that “luck of the Irish” is the bigger hit anymore, but I don’t see as many shamrocks, more leprechauns than anything else. I think that…


For your Phone: Annunciation Novena (March 17 to March 25)

I like to have prayers on my iPhone for the convenience. I will take a picture of the prayer in the prayer book, missal, whatever, and then save the picture into an album. It makes it easy to find the prayer later, and it is convenient because the prayer is right on the phone. Tomorrow, the Annunciation…


Vatican smacks down Medjugorje Ivan talk in St. Louis

In case you missed it earlier this week, there is a bunch of ruffled feathers in the land of major googoo. St. Louis archdiocese sent a reminder to the faithful this week that we should not be promoting the story fantasies of this alleged vision.  Probably because they’ve read the lives of the visionaries as…


Mocking the Church, Modern Style

Political correctness be damned. This is absurd. At some point, you have to tell people, “Go home, girls, you’re drunk!”  Even at the risk of sounding like the old guy yelling “Get off my lawn!” Fantasyland is rife with new players everyday. It doesn’t really need much explanation — for a church that no longer believes…