John B. Manos
Fr. Hardon: Three reasons why the devil is so strong today.
Fr. Hardon gives the 3 reasons causing “the rise of heresy and the participation of priests & religious in the acceptance of homosexuality … why is the devil so strong today.
Catholic Dictionary: Menticide?
I was looking for something recently in my copy of Fr. John Hardon’s Modern Catholic Dictionary when I noticed an entry that caught my eye: Menticide. Mind killing. “The systematic effort to break down the beliefs and allegiances of a person by physical or psychological means, in order to substitute one’s own. Also called brain-washing, it…
FEMEN and the Gerasene Demoniac… Full of Devils
News today that Femen has raided a cathedral in Spain. They are screaming “Abortion is sacred.” The woman is naked, has an upside down cross painted on her back, violent, and seems to have a problem with identity, “My name is Femen, for we are many.” I can’t help it but to think of the demoniac…
Memory Eternal, Penny Lord
There’s some people you meet who you just can’t forget. Years ago, I was delighted to make acquaintance with Bob and Penny Lord. Bob and Penny have had fun documenting a lot of saints around the world and bringing these first hand experiences to people through their books and videos. You have to smile with…
Cincinnati’s Curious Masonic Church
Cincinnati has long appeared to have a revolving door between the Masonic lodges and the Catholic Church. Having grown up there, I can recall discussions of various people who were both in Knights of Columbus and Masons, and rumors of parishes that were pagan experiments. People talk, and that sort of talk happened way before blogging. In…
Who is this Savior Born of Mary?
Christmas is wrought with contradictions and hope. I love it. I always have to wonder just Who people think Jesus is and what His Incarnation means for us today, though. Besought with an authoritarian government, the encroachment of Marxist demoralization, and myriads of distractions foisted on us by the mass media, it is difficult sometimes…
Magazine – Vatican II: Cause for Hope
Make a New Year’s resolution that counts! Get this last issue of the Bellarmine Forum Magazine’s Vatican II volume — packed with punches against those who would misconstrue Vatican II! You’ll be a prize fighter for Mother Church in no time! The Council: A Distant Memory… So much has been lost. For some, the Second Vatican…
Pope Francis’s 44th Anniversary
Pope Francis was ordained on 13 December 1969. Even though there is a lot of talk about today being the third Friday the 13th this year (2013), it marks his 44th anniversary as a priest, and his ninth month as Pope – recall he became Pope on 13 March 2013. Ad multos annos!
Pope Francis: no disposable people
Thank God! I love this quote as it is nearly verbatim what I’ve said for years now! Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “disposable” culture which is now spreading. He’s right! He continues: It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something…