Shunning Idols is Trespass and Theft? What would you do if Pachamama idols were put next to you? BFP 15.5 Play in new window | DownloadI remember being in a parking lot, walking with a shopping bag in my hand one time. Right in front of me, a woman fell to the ground. I watched, and I didn’t know what to do. It’s like that sometimes, where no matter our training, seeing it happen in front…
Bishop Schneider in Cincinnati (Pictures of Pontifical Mass at Old St. Mary’s)
Pictures of Bishop Athanasius Schneider in Cincinnati – a talk for the Cincinnati Oratory annual dinner, and Traditional Pontifical High Mass at Old St. Mary’s Church.
The Message of October 13th: Random Facts about Fatima and Akita Side-by-Side
Does the October the 13th messages of Fatima and Akita point to the October the 13th in 1307 and the enemy within the Church killing the faithful? You don’t need any other part of the Fatima third secret as Akita spells it all out.
History Rhymes: The Real Dr. Suess of the Amazon Synod, Ceilings Collapsing, and Pagan Rites to Open Synods Play in new window | DownloadOur Lady of Fatima gave us the blueprint we can see when she said, “if men don’t repent, Russia will spread her errors through the world… but in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph” The Rhyme of Pagan Synod Openings and Ceiling Collapses Last year, we saw the…
The 4 Principal Ways Your Guardian Angels Helps You and How to Get It – BFP 15.3
God entrusts a special angel to each person, known as a guardian angel. They have 4 unique purposes, but we should do these easy things to avail ourselves of the help and friendship of this gift from God.
Nacht der Amazonen – The Pantsuit Revolution of the German Amazon Synod – BFP 15.2 Play in new window | DownloadTruth is stranger than fiction and I’m going to make you question what is really happening in the Amazon Synod, just 5 days away. The Amazons Were a Warring Tribe of Women We need to go back to ancient history and the origin of the Amazon. The daughter of…
BFP news: Progress of the Revolution to the Amazon Synod Play in new window | DownloadSt. Francis de Sales in Introduction to the devout Life: Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you. Today, on the feast of the archangels, Pope Francis unveiled a new Sculpture titled “Angels Unawares”…. it is for the…
Unite the Clans Must Combat the Symbols of Revolution with the Real Presence and End Communion in the Hand BFP015 Play in new window | DownloadSymbolic Realities of Revolution vs. #UnitetheClans Real Presence. The Unite the Clans movement from the Remnant’s Michael Matt is a good thing, but it won’t win so long as it is focused on Vatican II. The Revolution afoot, those aligned with the devil in the Church, fight us with…
A Cheap Trick. Has Catholic Fundraising Gone Off the Rails?
Tape this nickel to the reply card… send this candle back… return this blessed oil… with a donation, of course! has Catholic fundraising gone too far?
Peter Julian Eymard and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
God is there, present in His Divine Son, on the altar, captured beneath the tangible appearances of bread and wine. This is the Mystery of our Faith: Christ truly present, body and blood, soul and divinity on the Catholic altars of the world. This is the Corpus Christi celebrated in centuries-old liturgies and neighborhood processions. …