Numbstruck over Fatima: If you are blaming the Pope, you’re doing it wrong
Yesterday was First Saturday and the Feast of the Transfiguration. I tend to have a post on First Saturday, and I missed it yesterday, but it gave me a chance to consider something. Things are awful today — in the Church and without. Just look at politics and the shenanigans of the candidates. Worse, look at the inane things…
By Popular Demand: The Mercy of God in a PDF
We get it — you want to enjoy a new perspective on Mercy. You’ve looked around online. What did you find? Probably got distracted into debates and news, when you really would like to invest some time into exploring this deepest virtue of our Lord — His Mercy. Or, you found things that make you wonder if the…
Guarding Our Shrines as An Act of Political Realism
Ours is an era of both functional atheism as well as spiritual immaturity. When recent attacks occurred in France and Germany, it was amazing to read on my Twitter feed how many people shunned the notion of praying for the victims or for the countries involved. Perhaps most Twitter users are more of the secular…
Legitimate Islam
In his Regensburg Address, Pope Benedict XVI quoted a Byzantine Emperor’s statements on Islam and considered his words rather “brusque” for modern ears; but I don’t think the pope ever criticized the content of those words as being untruthful. Unfortunately, today has proven once again the accuracy of Emperor Manuel Palaeologus’s observations. Mohammedan terrorists have once again…
Islam’s Core: Why Do They Hate Us?
Analyst Fareed Zakaria, on a CNN segment called “Why They Hate Us,” concluded that it’s not religion that drives Muslims to hate, but politics. He stated that “Radical Islam is the product of the broken politics and stagnant economics of Muslim countries.” I disagree. Many of the Muslim countries that hate us are rich and, likewise, many…
Don’t like PayPal? No Problem! We fixed that!
We’ve heard many times from people that either do not want to support PayPal because of the variety of issues with the corporate policies and issues they advance, don’t want to use because it is confusing or complex, or just don’t like it. The problem has always been that many others like PayPal and use it….
Dance Faster! Silly People in Oklahoma want Kali vs. Mary
People are sharing this story about a satanic group in Oklahoma that thinks by dancing three women counter-clockwise around a miraculous medal, they can capture the Blessed Mother in Kali’s mouth. They are going to charge $35 for admission. Times must be tough because Fr. Corapi used to charge more than that for his stadium gigs. Many reactions…
Kolbe: St. Benedict’s one trick to become Holy
On the feast the St. Benedict, we typically see people speaking of his medal and protection from evil, but there’s so much more to this saint! One time his sister, St. Scholastica wrote to him for advice on how to be holy, but before we report his answer to her, consider the life of this saint…
How Cigarettes and the Blessed Mother can Defeat a Bolshevik Army
Quite some time ago, I read a quote that had been sent to me by a number of people, but I wasn’t really sure what to say about it other than express disgust and disappointment. Sometimes you read these things said by Cardinals and it makes you wonder if they are Catholic, or unaware of what…