From Under the Rubble…Cal Thomas’s Learning Curve
The British parliament has defeated Prime Minister David Cameron’s motion to join Obama’s proposed attack on Syria. As of this writing, the U.S. Congress has not acted, but the prospect of another U.S. war in the Middle East has brought some old issues back to life. And some old players — the most interesting of…
Can We Say “Socialism?” Nationalized education imbedded in a workforce-management system? Well, what would you call it?
Opponents of Common Core need to be wary of the Marxist dialectic afoot that may trap them into making the very thing they hate come true by their own hands! Stephanie Block brings some twists to the Common Core discussion. … look for this: “He and other globalist corporate heads want the privatization of ALL education in order to implement the Soviet polytechnical workforce training system called for by Carnegie in 1934”
From Under the Rubble…Here We Go Again
According to the New York Times, America’s Catholic bishops are counting on the persuasive power of the pulpit this month to push “comprehensive immigration reform” – also known as amnesty for illegal aliens. Unfortunately, we’ve already seen this movie, and it has an unhappy ending. Back in January 2010, our beloved shepherds launched a similar…
Just War is An Act of Charity
I recently had a brief exchange with a friend over the Obama Administration’s posture towards Syria and the recent words of Pope Francis at his Sunday Angelus where he echoed the words of his predecessor Pope Paul VI, “War never again!” My friend who is an astute and brilliant attorney, was dissatisfied with the pope’s…
Footnote 43: Notre Dame led Academic Independence movement Play in new window | DownloadProfessor Rice: 45 years ago, Notre Dame led a group of Catholic universities in declaring independence from the Catholic Church. Did it lead to academic excellence? Or more money for the school and more debt for the students?
From Under the Rubble…Big Brother Makes It Personal
Four years ago, Obama’s Chicago crew borrowed a page from the Three-Card-Monte hustlers in Manhattan’s Central Park. With the nation distracted by the perils of Obamacare, Democrats quietly hijacked the student loan program from the private sector and handed it to the federal government. “We’ve eliminated the middleman,” they cawed, “and the savings will go…
L’Affaire Bottum
Among the vicissitudes of life, Belloc asserted that the loss of affection among friends is the worst thing in the world. I thought of this when reading Joseph Bottum’s recent coming out as a supporter of same-sex marriage. It struck me that this coming out should not go without comment in that Dr. Bottum was…
Footnote 42: Christians Suffering in the Middle East Play in new window | DownloadTen years ago, President George W. Bush invaded Iraq to “end evil in the world.” How has that worked out for Christians in the Middle East?
Exorcising the Vatican? Pope Francis style. With Fatima, St. Michael, and Leo XIII
Recently the news ran headlines that Pope Francis called for the Fatima Statue of Mary to be brought to the Vatican — in their words “to consecrate the world.” I…
Buzzword Compliant or Kool-Aid Drunk?
The National St. Vincent de Paul Council and its subsidiaries have an honorable history of addressing serious social problems at their roots, within the family, using a holistic approach long before the concept of a “holistic” approach was in vogue. If ever there was an organization engaged in a compassionate and genuinely helpful response to…