
The Myth of the Neutral State

If there is anything that distinguishes the contemporary world from past ages, it is our secularism, that is, our belief that society should exclude religion as much as possible from public life. We see this in our own country in the “separation of Church and State.” This used to mean that the government officially endorses…


Liturgical Dance

Recently there have been a number of posts on other blogs highlighting the ridiculous aberration of so-called “liturgical dance” and other abuses. The Bellarmine Forum, instead of cursing the darkness, would like to light a candle:


Plugged into the System Catholic Schools and Compulsory Education: Book review of Designed to Fail: Catholic Education in America By Steve Kellmeyer Bridegroom Press, 2005 (221 pages)

Think the education system is merely limited by funds? Maybe there was a problem from the beginning causing our kids to fail. Stephanie Block analyzes whether Steve Kellmeyer’s book Designed to Fail hits the nail on the head or slips off the mark.


Footnote 38: Upside Down Catholics

Upside Down Catholics: Isn’t it curious that many Catholics who insist that the Church adopt their left-wing political agenda are the same dissidents who refuse to embrace the Church’s magisterial teachings?


Same Sex Marriage: When Two Can Never Be One

The term oxymoron is derived for a Greek phrase meaning “pointedly foolish.” And that is exactly what the talk about same-sex “marriage” amounts to, for it contains within itself a contradiction as great, say, as the idea would be for motionless football or batless baseball [ed. note: or baseball card packs without bubble gum]. Were…


Baseball Cards Without Bubble Gum, 20 Years On

I recall finding out, to my horror, in the early 1990s, that Topps Baseball Card packages were no longer including their trademark brittle piece of gum that had been a mainstay of American boys’ youth since the late 1940s and early 1950s.  At the time, my card collecting days were over but they were not for my…


From Under the Rubble…The Gibbons Legacy

American Church (Russell Shaw: Ignatius Press, 2013; $16.95) Deep in the heartland of Indiana, nestled below the main altar of Sacred Heart Basilica on the campus of the University of Notre Dame, there lies a crypt housing a small altar, a few pews, a baptismal font, and the tomb of Orestes Brownson, one of the most…


If that was yesterday… Marriage catechism needs updated

From the old Baltimore Catechism… My how times have changed… That’s not even scratching the surface of Our Lord’s words: Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, Made them male and female? (Matt. xix. 4). Yet, people have hinged all their happiness on the idea that marriage is something different….


Needed: Catholic Cab Drivers and Bartenders

Some years back–in an interview on EWTN–Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, was addressing some of the pressing needs of the Church.  He said–and I paraphrase–“we need Catholic cab drivers and bartenders.”  It was a comment that elicited a chuckle, but the truth of it was very serious and speaks to the way the Church understands…


Footnote 37: Negotiating With the Church

Negotiating With The Church: When people challenge the magisterial teachings of the Church and offer views that are diametrically opposed, should the Church meet them halfway in the spirit of “Consensus”?