
First Homily of Pope Francis, SJ

Read the full english text of the first homily of Pope Francis, SJ (courtesy Vatican Radio)


Habemus papam!

AD MULTOS ANNOS,   POPE FRANCIS! O Lord, we are the millions of believers, humbly kneeling at Thy feet and begging Thee to preserve, defend and save the Sovereign Pontiff for many years. He is the Father of the great fellowship of souls and our Father as well. On this day, as on every other day,…


A Continuing Program for the Next Pope? Fr. Mark Moriarty on the Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI

Ed. Note. In the midst of the Conclave, the Bellarmine Forum is pleased to offer this guest commentary by Fr. Mark Moriarty, Pastor and Superintendent of the Church and School of Saint Agnes in St. Paul, Minnesota. This commentary was adapted from Father’s bulletin article of March 10, 2013 and is offered as a tribute…


Footnote 25: What’s happening in Kansas?

In Footnote 25, Chris Manion interviews Steve Mosher, President of the Population Institution, who reports on the sex-selection abortions that are catching on in the U.S.


For the Conclave: Sub tuum praesidium

It is no surprise that the Catholic and non-Catholic media are buzzing at a fevered pitch concerning the upcoming Conclave. The situation is truly unprecedented for the Church and I must admit to a certain unease about the whole thing. Not only about the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI, but also about the stories of…


Is Catholicism True?

CLICK HERE: (h/t Fr. Z.)


Is the Barque of Peter Really Seaworthy?

During Pope Benedict XVI’s final general audience, he reflected on his pontificate in the context of the oft-used symbol of the Catholic Church as the Barque of Peter: I have felt like St. Peter with the Apostles in the boat on the Sea of Galilee: the Lord has given us many days of sunshine and…


From Under the Rubble…Saint Benedict XVI?

A Jesuit friend remarked recently that, while several modern popes have been canonized, the last cardinal to be so honored – Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J. – died almost 400 years ago. That observation suggests a rule of thumb for the upcoming conclave: it’s quite probable that some of the cardinals voting in the Sistine Chapel…


Footnote 24: An interview with Chris Slattery

Chris Manion interviews Chris Slattery, who brought crisis pregnancy care to New York City.



The Catholic presence on the internet is certainly not lacking. Not lacking also is commentary from individual Catholics as well as those who are part of larger entities–indeed, if you follow the Bellarmine Forum, you are intrigued with the commentary we offer. We hope it is not only enjoyable and informative but, perhaps, provides a…