
Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation: “An American Crucible: Barack Obama and America’s Two Great Debates”

 An excellent analysis from the October 2011 Mindszenty Report. Check out our friends at the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation.


Francis Thompson: A Reflection on the Poetic Vocation

Is there such a thing as a “poetic vocation?” What is it that the poet sees that the rest of us don’t? Veteran Catholic journalist and Wanderer Forum Foundation Board Member Frank Morriss tells us in this truly Catholic appreciation of English poet Francis Thompson (1859-1907).  More than simply an analysis of Thompson and his…

The Jagermeister Logo shows a stag with a cross appearing between its antlers.

The Saint behind the Jagermeister Logo is also one of the 14 Holy Helpers

Back in the second century, Rome had not yet converted and was yet hostile to Catholics. A General in Emperor Trajan’s army, Placidis (as he was known before his Christening), was known to be a good man who performed good acts. One day, he discovered Him who was behind goodness in the strangest way, which…


The Natural Law

THE NATURAL LAW Charles E. Rice Professor Emeritus, Notre Dame Law School Address, Canon Law Conference Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe LaCrosse, Wisconsin August 9, 2011 What is the natural law and why do we need it? The “September Pope,” John Paul I, at his general audience on September 6, 1978, gave us a…


Where Did I Come From? Where Am I Going? How Do I Get There?

Growing up in a world marked by wars, disasters, family troubles, and rampant secularism, today’s Catholic teens and young adults need straight answers on their purpose in life. What better guide than a manual featuring the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and Pope John Paul II presented by a world-class teacher and an experienced seminary instructor? This…


The Splendor of the Christian Marriage

Address given by Most Rev. Godfrey M. P. Okoye
Bishop of Lagos, Nigeria
Ninth National Wanderer Forum, 1973


Saving Christian Marriage

 Saving Christian Marriage contains the texts of talks given at a National Wanderer Forum “The Splendor of Christian Marriage.” The underlying theme is Marriage is a path to salvation for the spouses. They are vowed before God to seek Him together. There are two beautifully written pieces on theology of marriage, how it requires holiness and…


The Catholic Church and the Obama Nation

Never before in its history has the United States been so secular and godless. Never before has there been such hostility—overtly and covertly – toward not only the Catholic Church and her teachings, but also toward common sense.  This, unfortunately, is the program of the Obama Administration.  Indeed, it is not inappropriate to say that…


What Happened to Notre Dame?

When the University of Notre Dame announced that President Barack Obama would speak at its 2009 Commencement and would receive an honorary doctor of laws degree, the reaction was more than anyone expected. Students, faculty, alumni and friends of Notre Dame denounced the honoring of Obama, who is the most relentlessly pro-abortion public official in…


Citizens of the Heavenly City: A Catechism of Catholic Social Teaching

What is Catholic Social Teaching? Oftentimes Catholics hear conflicting voices as to what exactly this essential teaching of the Church is. Now comes a solid textbook for studying that rich tradition of the Church’s doctrine; nay, more than a textbook, it is a handbook for applying the truth of Christ to the moral problems of…