
Footnote 24: An interview with Chris Slattery

Chris Manion interviews Chris Slattery, who brought crisis pregnancy care to New York City.



The Catholic presence on the internet is certainly not lacking. Not lacking also is commentary from individual Catholics as well as those who are part of larger entities–indeed, if you follow the Bellarmine Forum, you are intrigued with the commentary we offer. We hope it is not only enjoyable and informative but, perhaps, provides a…


From Under the Rubble…Fireside Reading

  It Didn’t Have to Be This Way Harry C. Veryser: ISI Books, $28.95 Traveling through the intersection of religion and economics is often a very rough ride, and it features a high collision rate. Countless influential religious folks, both lay and clerical, insist on writing about economics, only to demonstrate their well-intentioned ignorance (or…


Footnote 23: Bishop Sheen and Keep The Faith – Two Catholic Treasures

The Bellarmine Forum presents Howard Walsh, entrepreneur and publisher, who tells the story of Keep the Faith, which offers Catholic Internet programming to the Faithful worldwide.


Gratias tibi, Sanctissime Pater!

  O Lord, we are the millions of believers, humbly kneeling at Thy feet and begging Thee to preserve, defend and save the Sovereign Pontiff for many years. He is the Father of the great fellowship of souls and our Father as well. On this day, as on every other day, he is praying for…


Uplifting anecdotes, and a story for your lent.

Three short stories from yesteryear to give you some meat to chew on for lent.


Footnote 22: The Story Of Latin Mass Magazine, an Interview with Howard Walsh

The Bellarmine Forum brings you an interview with Howard Walsh, a model for Catholic laymen everywhere, explains how he put his years of business experience to work rescuing a wonderful magazine and bringing it to thousands of Catholics worldwide.


From Under the Rubble…The Media Catholic Church

Three days after announcing his retirement, Pope Benedict met with the clergy of Rome, whom he serves as bishop. His unscripted remarks were surprisingly candid. In particular, regarding the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), Benedict observed that there were actually two councils: “there was the Council of the [Church] Fathers, the true Council, but there was…


Kosher Observance is the new Catholic Dating Scene?

Prior to God becoming man, devout souls had only the law, given by God to Moses. It was from God, but the laws is a thing nonetheless, not a person.  Prophets got to be with God, know His person in person, but everyone else knew him from the law and what the prophets said.  To be…


Augustine was not saved through Navel Gazing

The unfortunate oversight of Matt McGuiness — Augustine did not say that navel gazing and staring into the abyss brings you to Jesus. Good friends praying for a miracle, like St. Monica or Kevin O’Brien, does bring salvation, though — even if you call us “moralists” and think we aren’t “realists”.