
Christmastide Meditations

These are daily meditations for Christmastide. The first few days also have the completion of “The Great Truths” set, which complimented the Advent Meditations. These meditations are short be very fruitful.


Day 28 (Dec 24) Christmas Eve & The End Attained (Advent Meditation)

This last advent meditation brings a note on providence and how our lives can look awry. The second part recounts what it is that Our Savior will bring to His friends.


Day 27 (Dec 23) O Emmanuel & The Sins of Individual Men (Advent Meditation)

This advent meditation focuses on our friendship with Jesus, Our Divine King, Who condescended to be with us. It also has another of the Great truths on why we need a Savior.


Day 26 (Dec 22) O Rex Gentium & The Temporal Consequences of Adam’s Sin (Advent Meditation)

O Rex Gentium “O King of the nations and desired of them, and the Corner-stone that maketh both one, come and save man, whom Thou didst form of dust.”  1.  Never was there a king who had such a claim to sovereignty as Christ Our Lord.  He is King by divine appointment and His own…


Day 25 (Dec 21) O Oriens & Man’s First Sin (Advent Meditation)

This advent meditation begs the Lord to come, shine on us who sit in the darkness of sin, and it shines light on how all sin works, mimicking that first sin that led the revolt against God.


Day 24 (Dec 20) O Clavis David & The First Sin (Advent Meditation)

This advent meditation presents the next O antiphon, key of David, detailing the authority of our Lord. And, it illumines how the first sin resulted in permanent consequences.


Day 23 (Dec 19) O Radix Jesse & The Final Sentence (Advent Meditation)

Preparation for Christmas with this Advent meditation. In today’s, find out why our Lord is the new David and the three characteristics of the final sentence of the General Judgement (Last Judgment).


Day 22 (Dec 18) O Adonai & The General Judgment (Advent Meditations)

This advent meditation will help you curry favor with the Lord for the day of judgment. It gets to the second O Antiphon and the Lord as the Judge of the General Judgement… find out the surprising truths about Jesus’s sympathy with us, and how to curry His favor on that day!


Day 21 (Dec 17) O Sapientia & The Particular Judgment (Advent Meditation)

Today’s advent meditation begins the seven antiphons, which greet our coming Savior under various titles, and entreat Him to come quickly to enlighten and deliver His people!


Day 20 (Dec 16) The Dangers of the Careless Soul & Death (Advent Meditation)

Today’s advent meditation turns the corner on motivating you to repent and reform. If you’ve been following these, you are longing for a redeemer. Tomorrow, we begin to see more about him. TODAY, we repent!