
Day 9 (Dec 5) The Fulfillment of the Decree & God the End of our Life

Advent Meditations. December 5. Our life is a circle: whence it first came, thither it must return.  As we proceeded from God, so we must go back to Him if our life is to be a success.  We can never find repose or lasting satisfaction in anything except God.  As long as we do not tend to Him, we shall be fluctuating, inconstant, uncertain.


Day 8 (Dec 4) – The Approaching Day & God Our Best Friend

Daily meditations for Advent in anticipation of Christmas. Short, concise, and perfect for busy Catholics to find fruitful meditation on the coming Redeemer and the great truths.
Her affections were simply a reflection of what God loved and hated; like God she loved all things except sin, and those who were the declared and eternal enemies of God.  She desired nothing for herself except that she might see God’s holy will fulfilled in all. 


Day 7 (Dec 3) The Causes of Delay & God Our Preserver

The eternal wisdom of the Most High needs no time for deliberation.  His works are not gradually perfected, or improved on second thoughts.  But ours are, and the slow action of the providence of God should impress upon us the importance of waiting before we act, and considering and reconsidering all our plans.


Day 6 (Dec. 2) – The Golden Thread & God Our Creator

Sometimes it is kindness to the poor; sometimes devotion to the holy souls; very often it is a reverence to the holy Mother of God that thus runs through the whole of life.  In my life God has interwoven some such thread.


Day 5 (Dec 1) Transient Gleams & God Our Lord

Everything I have taken from God and appropriated to myself will have to be given back to Him.  I shall have to pay the penalty for each misuse of what was entrusted to me.


Day 4 (Nov 30) The Long Darkness. 

But none save a very few availed themselves of it. “They loved darkness more than light.”  The world gradually lost all regard for virtue or for God.


Day 3 (Nov 29) – The Announcement of His Coming.

Christ came to abolish sin, but not its temporal consequences.  He who sins shall suffer, is a law which Christ fulfilled and in no way destroyed. 


Day 2 (Nov 28) The Divine Decree

There is to be a second advent, one in which He will appear in human form indeed, yet now no longer in lowliness and humiliation, but clothed with all the brightness and glory which His divine nature can impart to His sacred humanity.


Day 1 (Nov 27) – What Advent Is

1.  Advent is the season when we are taught to look forward both to the first coming of Our Lord into the world at Christmas-time, and also to His second coming at the end of time to judge the living and the dead.  His first coming was to seek and to save that which was…


Advent: Short Meditations and The Great Truths

These meditations begin November 27 and run through December 31, a few days past Christmas. They are a combination of advent meditations and traditional points on the Great Truths — from our need for a Savior to points about Our Lord. When provided in the original text, there are points to make a resolution. These are intentionally…