Film Review: Occupy Unmasked – Looking at the organized roots of “Occupy Wall Street”

In 2011, I examined the disturbing relationship between Alinskyian community organizing and the fomenting civic unrest incarnated in the Occupy Wall Street Movement and its allied anti-banking efforts such as Showdown on Wall Street” or the “New Bottom Line.” (1)] The Alinskyian community organizations involved were the usual suspects: Interfaith Worker Justice, National People’s Action (NPA) affiliates, USAction, the PICO network, the Alliance for a Just Society, ACORN (now operating under new names), the Industrial Areas Foundation of the Southeast (IAF-SE), and Gamaliel affiliates.

The organized roots of this movement, however, go deeper. Last year, Stephen K. Bannon directed and produced a documentary, “Occupy Unmasked,” to explain that the Occupy movement was a “convergence of leftist groups” supported by a left-wing media that took “control of the narrative.” The images captured by the film maker portray a core of manipulative activists who deliberately set about to generate an amorphous, undefined series of related protests in cities around the United States for the purpose of forwarding a socialist movement. It can be viewed through

imageNot quite a year since its release, it’s interesting to read the “narrative” of the left-wing media as it “manages” the film’s message. The Nation dismissed it as a product of “right-wing imagination,” superciliously mocking the notion that the Occupy Movement was an “elaborate front for the Obama re-election effort…” which wasn’t one of the film’s points. There was, however, footage that showed Obama, Pelosi, and others supporting the movement, which is quite another matter.

The Phoenix found it to be “hysterically loaded,” manufacturing the violence it then filmed. Andrew Breitbart, principal narrator of “Occupy Unmasked,” was painted as operating within a “hard-right bubble, where his legacy is sheathed by countless fluffers who defend his cheap excuse for tabloid journalism. For them, and for anyone else who worships this kind of conspiratorial trash, Occupy Unmasked is tantamount to hardcore porn.” These are rhetorically-saturated words, too, arguing from exactly the propagandistic perspective it complains the documentary does. What about facts? (3)

Progressive Radio Network, which carries a show called Occupy the Hood – an “extension” of the Occupy Wall Street movement among “people of color” that continues – was more honest. After peppering the documentary with expletives, the talk host said that, as someone with first-hand knowledge, it contained a mixture of truth and distortion. Perhaps Occupy had been orchestrated by leftist radicals to create chaos but, so what? “Everybody is full of sh*t….who cares? …everything the government and the big corporations are doing, slaughtering of people, mind control…is orchestrated as well.” (4)

Is it a perfect documentary? No. Violent images are repeated, again and again, for “effect.” Interviewees and activists weren’t always well-identified. The footage is limited to the larger and more “colorful” Occupy actions, ignoring those that were small and peaceful.

However, the main point of this work – that the Occupy Movement was, to a large degree, orchestrated by people with strong, anti-capitalist intentions, was well made …as was the corollary point that those intentions, coupled with anarchy, are dangerous. Writing from the perspective of a year after the unrest, those points remain fresh. Unfortunately.

Visit the main Occupy Wall Street website: The news on it is current and global. The post concerning Tunisia’s “Disobedience Movement” (7-6-13) discusses “the failures of the revolutionary movement to achieve lasting, material change in people’s everyday lives.” To address this, Tunisians must struggle “to create a new economic and social system that breaks with capitalism and all existing economic mechanisms based on profit and competition” and show “[m]ilitance against the authoritarian State apparatus and its hierarchical structures no matter the form it takes, whether liberal democratic or fascist/totalitarian, theological, or progressive.” The entry isn’t describing radical jihadists but “comrades.”

The July 4th post concerned an Occupy action in Chicago, where protesters targeted Mayor Emanuel Rahm’s house, opposing “budget cuts to public services, and policies of corporate welfare.” July 3rd covered a “Global March to Dignity – Transnational Solidarity Weekend” in Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt. “Once more the fire of the global revolution is sweeping out the entire planet. We are taking streets, squares, parks in millions and revolting against the police brutality, torture, environmental destruction, corruption, the looting of the commons by the 1%. ….A new civilisation [sic, British spelling] is emerging out of joy, fun, fight, pain and blood.” July 7th will be the monthly Global People’s Assembly in Liberty Plaza (New York) “to learn about the uprisings in Turkey, Greece and Brazil. Let’s hear report-backs from these locations, share stories, chants and tactics, and stand in Solidarity with one another! …. Bring your projects! Bring your art! Bring your spirit! All our struggles are connected.”
But one can visit related groups and read similar messages. A website called Capitalism Is Over! If You Want It identifies itself as linked to Occupy Wall Street “in response to the need for a fundamental shift in our approach to Capitalism and the negative impact it has on the environment, health, and wellbeing of all. The status quo is not sustainable. The title of the project references John and Yoko’s “War is Over if You Want It” campaign of the late ’60′s – in the spirit that capitalism is our war of today. The title also reflects how these phenomena are based in our minds and rely on our buy-in to function. Capitalism is not a law of nature. Humans created the system, it no longer works for the majority of the world, and it can be replaced.” (5)
In other words, the revolution isn’t over. Not by a long shot.


1. See, for example, “What Is the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Trying to Do? Did you say you want a revolution?” ; or
Where Catholic Money Goes to Anti-Catholic Places
2. Michael Tracey, “’Occupy Unmasked’—Unmasked: The documentary, starring the late Andrew Breitbart, is a deranged hodge-podge of bizarre memes, wild dot-connecting and unadulterated fury,” The Nation, 10-9-12
3. Chris Faraone, “Defacing ‘Occupy Unmasked’ – Andrew Breitbart’s Final Opus is a Steaming Pile of Propaganda,” The Phoenix, 9-2-12.
4. Malik Rhasaan, “Occupy The Hood/Preach da Truth” podcast, 11-29-12
5. Capitalism Is Over If You Want It:

This article, Film Review: Occupy Unmasked – Looking at the organized roots of “Occupy Wall Street” is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

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Stephanie Block

  • Catholicism has strong anti-capitalist teaching as well. Oh right, not since Vatican II, sorry, forgot where I was. Protestantism across the board.

    When will we recognize that everything that has happened since the Protestant Rebellion, including communism and socialism and leftism, are either reactions to the withdrawal to the benign Catholic state, whose economics, Pius XI said, were identical to ‘moderate socialism,’ or the forces that rebelled against it–for example, all this free market bs. When?!

    I took literature on the Catholic state to Occupy when it was going in Chicago. I still have a file of what I carried, pieces of encyclicals, a short piece on Christ the King, which they prefer, as does the world, in the Spanish, Que viva Cristo Rey. The young people, and not-so-young people, there were very receptive and kind to me and the message. They want an end to predation on the poor. They have no alternatives to the confused liberalism they suffer, and nobody’s giving them any–when the return to the Catholic state is perfect economically for what ails us and what Occupy, in lucid moments, understands as the ailment–break up the too-big-to-fail, promote local economy even though it costs more per item, promote the birth rate by selective withdrawal of taxation for fertile families, and celebrate the ten commandments. Oh, and bring back religious orders for those who do not wish to marry but wish a retirement community when they are old, meanwhile serving health care and education. They were essential economically, who knew.

    Is our economy screwed up, or not? True enough that distributism et al stripped of Christ will not work, but how about we entertain for a moment the whole package?

    • Avatar photo John M. DeJak says:

      JPII’s Centesimus annus –probably the most significant papal document on the point since the Council–very clearly does not endorse capitalism, as much as some would like it to or thinks it does. I’m not sure where you’re getting the imprimatur of the Church for capitalism since the Council.

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