If The Bishops Were Only as Aware as Goodyear – new Group Fighting for Fr. Rothrock
Earlier this week a kerfuffle in the Goodyear Tire boardroom happened when their stock price fell 4%. It was happening because of this:
At first Goodyear issued a statement that sort of denied this was real. Then, audio was released of the diversity trainer speaking to Goodyear employees. then Goodyear changed again and said they don’t want political statements in the workplace. And, they’ve pretty much dug themselves into a hole.
Fox News Commentator Stuart Varney aptly boiled it down to noting that censorship and bias is alive and well. In his commentary, he notes:
I don’t know how this works out at Goodyear, but I do believe that censorship is rampant in this country. There is no penalty for publicly supporting black lives matter: Nor should there be! There is a giant BLM sign painted on 5th Avenue in New York, right outside Trump Tower.
But there are plenty of examples of people being beaten or verbally abused for wearing a MAGA hat!
Fox Business Stuart Varney, Aug 19, 2020
It’s that last point: if you attack MAGA, that’s not punished. If you attack BLM, it’s punished.
Archdiocese of Chicago did something similar — remember this post a couple months ago wherein the Archdiocese of Chicago called us “covert white supremecists?”:
Subsequently, that tweet was deleted. I also heard from several sources that an underling in the office was blamed. One source says that person was fired. In my opinion, they obviously punished the wrong person as it is apparent this is endemic to that office.
And then, we get Fr. Rothrock… Now, Fr. Rothrock aptly pointed out that Black Lives Matter, as a movement was not what people thought it was. I reported on that with lengthy expose of Marxist goals and the BLM statement of beliefs. Notably, BLM is against the nuclear family, supports LGBTQ things, and seems to be about everything except race, in my opinion from reading their statement of beliefs. His bishop removed him from his parish.
Considerable backlash happened in Carmel, Indiana and protest groups on both sides clashed. Eventually, like Goodyear, Bishop Doherty had to back away from his earlier unqualified support of Black Lives Matter. His new statement went like this:
“I support those who choose to demonstrate peacefully in favor of social equality, equity and justice,” Doherty of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana said in his latest statement Friday. “However, The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and Antifa promote beliefs and stances that directly contradict Catholic Church teachings.”
He added that he has “never supported those who bring violence to otherwise peaceful demonstrations.”
Bishop who suspended Carmel priest criticizes Black Lives Matter organization, Indianapolis Star. July 10, 2020
Clearly backpeddling, but why hasn’t Fr. Rothrock been reinstated? Goodyear was smart enough keep back peddling, and it will continue to do so, but it’s likely that the silent majority has made them painfully aware we don’t approve and we won’t be bullied.
The Archdiocese of Chicago responded quickly by sacrificing a scapegoat.
But why hasn’t Fr. Rothrock been reinstated? I think the Bishops need to be more cognizant and aware of us quiet sheep.
A new group has formed in Carmel, Indiana. Catholic United for Unity and Peace stands for the reinstatement. They have a page dedicated to the issue.
Our Lady of Akita, pray for us!
This article, If The Bishops Were Only as Aware as Goodyear – new Group Fighting for Fr. Rothrock is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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