Where is the outcry? Planned Parenthood drives a mobile unit into Chicago’s West Loop to provide free vasectomies, free medical abortions, and no-appointment-necessary emergency contraception during the first days of the Democratic National Convention and the silence is deafening, particularly from the Church. Are you reading this, Cardinal Cupich? This is taking place in your back yard!
Here is Planned Parenthood, the ultimate promoter of debauchery, pandering to the base instincts of human beings – spare me the save-the-planet-from-overpopulation spiel – and has there been a word – online, from church steps, from the cathedral, any cathedral – against it? Has anyone performed an exorcism over the landscape of Chicago as yet? Exorcisms were performed in several dioceses against Covid 19. Why not over these demons promoting licentiousness in Chicago? Have the church doors been thrown open for Holy Hours of reparation for the deeds outside the convention venues and the anti-life policies within?
It is just like the lack of response to the drag queens at the Olympic opening ceremony portraying the last Supper – a vile insult to Christianity and the Holy Eucharist. Did you hear anything about that at church services? Did the shakers and movers of the U.S. Catholic Church – Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington DC or Cardinal Cupich of Chicago – seek out the public forum and speak in condemnation? Did your parish priest mention it, perhaps suggesting reparation for the blasphemy? Now I know the Sunday Liturgy in every parish is scripted, but surely, someone, somewhere could have added a comment. They do it enough for announcing picnics and second collections. Did they speak about mockery of the Holy Eucharist?
And in Chicago this week in August, a national convention filled with turbulent screams of support for reproductive rights, for candidates who preen with their smiling faces and silky words – anything to get the vote, you know – all the while bowing in humble adoration of the Party platform. They may as well have written it, screamed it plainly:
Death to the unborn! Immorality rules!
Nothing has been said to contradict the evil in Chicago. Perhaps the Olympic Last Supper blasphemy was a mere test to see how far evil could ascend in the minds and hearts of men and women. With so few clerics standing in opposition to the Olympic blasphemy, was it deemed a sure thing to let loose Planned Parenthood’s agents of death at a political convention affirmingthe candidate for the presidential election in November?
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke said that, commenting on the struggle between good and evil. To him it seemed that evil prevails; the good do not stand up for their beliefs. So far, nothing has happened in our political landscape to refute that idea.
There are a few good men out there who did speak up about the Olympic blasphemy, who went to the media. Word on Fire’s Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester spoke with Fox News, and condemned the event. Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin, called for fasting and prayer in reparation. Were there others? Who knows? Perhaps the media got selective and shut down criticism. Perhaps the media is still shutting down criticism, this time of the free-for-all in Chicago. It doesn’t matter; there is only one question now:
Who will boldly step forward to contradict evil in the coming election? Who will hold forth the choice between good and evil?
Lately, I have felt as if the presence of evil surrounds us and not just because I live in a liberal state, an abortion and transgender sanctuary state under the ghastly guidance of the now Democratic candidate for U.S. Vice President. All of this reminds me of the great church art of the past with the image of God overseeing the tenants of heaven and the faithful on earth. And there, below the surface of the earth, twitching and writhing in the flames are the demons, their actions like the drag queen fashion show at the Olympic opening ceremony, their voices like the screaming convention speakers.
God has infinite mercy toward us. Does He have infinite patience? In the emptiness of response to both of these events, only the words of a mere NFL football player posed an answer to the travesties around us. Harrison Butker, no stranger to defending the tenets of the Faith, said this:
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked” (Galations 6:7).

This article, Silence is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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