
Fr. Hardon on Those who Promote von Balthasar’s “Empty Hell”

Get confused by the “hell is empty” von Balthasar garbage? Here’s Fr. Hardon to help…


BFP: An Empty Hell Means No Triumph of the Cross

https://media.blubrry.com/bellarmineforumfootnote/mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/6memgi/BFP_An_Empty_Hell_Means_No_Triumph_of_the_Cross8vj4w.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadWhat people say and what they really believe are often different.   There was the famous English free-thinker, Hobbes.  He used to stridently assert his whole life that there was neither God nor angel, still less was there a devil or hell.  Despite all his strident insistence, however, he had the greatest dread…


Kick in the Pants on the Four Last Things: BFP NOV17

https://media.blubrry.com/bellarmineforumfootnote/bellarmineforum.podbean.com/mf/play/3f2ru9/bellarmineforumpodcast_bellarmineforum_org_wp-content_uploads_2017_11_BFP-NOV17-kick-in-the-pants-on-the-four-last-things.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadIn today’s “prepper” society, we are often told to prepare for calamity by purchasing survival rations, and exchanging our cash for gold. That’s because they want us to be ready for the calamities they believe are inevitable. The Church has always had a “prepper” society, though. With November, when…


Bellarmine on Hell-Bound Popes. Our Patron’s Feast today.

Today is the feast of St. Robert Bellarmine, the patron of the Bellarmine Forum/Wanderer Forum Foundation. It is the perfect opportunity to illustrate one of the many, many, many examples from his life of why he is the perfect saint for our time in America.  The trouble is that there are so many reasons! We could discuss…