From Under the Rubble

From Under the Rubble…How Many Holocausts?

On January 22nd, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators will take part in the forty first annual March for Life in Washington. They will be dutifully ignored by Big Media (well, the Post might send an intern), but it’s clear that the City of Man wishes they would go away. They won’t. And while their very…


From Under the Rubble…Defining Conservatism Down

Every New Year the usual suspects on the Left generously offer their advice on how to preserve and protect the Republican Party. This time around, two of the liberal media’s anointed “conservatives,” Peter Wehner and Michael Gerson, take their turn. In several recent offerings, these co-authors attack the Tea Party and insist that, to “save…


From Under the Rubble…Why Can’t We Just Leave?

“The problem our nation faces is very much like a marriage in which one partner has an established pattern of ignoring and breaking the marital vows.” So writes Walter Williams, one of the world’s most sensible economists. But don’t hold that against him: he’s also a realist. When the offending partner will not reform, he…


From Under the Rubble…Father Time

  “The Holy Father lives in Rome, Why won’t Daddy live at home?” Welfare Lullaby It’s been a great year for the Holy Father. But a lot of fathers haven’t been so lucky. Or so holy. “In 1960, fewer than one in 10 children lived in a single-parent home,” writes Dr. Patrick Fagan, one of…


From Under the Rubble…Cardinals, Ducks, and Quacks

It’s that time of year again, and the Secular City is raising Hell. But Hell doesn’t exist, remember? Well, it does when it comes in handy. Now the Thought Police want to throw the New Testament into the Saint Stephen’s Day bonfire of outmoded inanities. Last summer, the party bosses in Secular City branded “Who…


From Under the Rubble…Stocking Stuffers

When I was growing up, extraterrestrials were all the rage. George Adamski held millions in thrall recounting his travel with Orthon, Zuhl, and a bunch of other Venusians touring L.A. who let him tag along in their flying saucer while they tiptoed through the universe. Some ten years later, the brilliant philosopher Eric Voegelin startled…


From Under the Rubble…Cheering for the Wrong Team

“I’ll tell you what I think God thinks of the Affordable Care Act. It’s a big Amen!” –Political Commentator Ed Schultz It’s not uncommon for the left-wing MSNBC to lead the cheers for President Obama. But it’s all too common, and more than a bit unsettling, when a Catholic bishop joins in the jubilation –…


From Under the Rubble…Rush to Judgment

Rush Limbaugh is mad as Hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore. But he’s not shooting at his usual targets. Of all things, Rush is mad at the Pope. That’s Pope Francis, the new guy on the block who, for all we know, might be even more popular than Rush. Megadittos, Papa Francesco! It…


From Under the Rubble…Hope in the Rearview Mirror

The truth will make you free, but falsehood always brings violence in its wake Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Progressives disdain the past. They prefer to look to the future. They promise it will be better, if we but do what they tell us. That’s why they call it “progress.” They’re in charge, and they’re better than we…


From Under the Rubble…The Selective Indignation of the Moralistic Left

“Sharpton, Matthews Blast Virginia’s Racist Voters” (Recent Headline, MSNBC News) Oh, you didn’t see that one? Don’t worry. Neither did I. I made it up. I’m sorry. Among all the commentary addressing the recent election results in Virginia, the Rubble notes a profound silence regarding an issue that usually haunts the imagination of professional moralizers….