We’re Not Getting the Message
Transfiguration. Jesus, Son of the Living God shone before man; Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life obliterated all around Him in His Glory. This description of the Transfiguration vision alone should be enough to convince a person to want to be a part of this action, to become transfigured, transformed into a person of dazzling holiness.

Not. We Catholics are the only ones who heed the Lord’s words “Tell no one about this.” Jesus told the cured leper to be silent, He told Peter, James and John to wait until His resurrection to speak about His transfiguration. That was then and this is now and we are still encased in silence.
Since the summer of 2020, all we have heard about is transformative this and transformative that. Transformative justice is still a big demand, allegedly behind all the takeovers in cities, the riots and destruction.
There is only one route to transformation and that is through Jesus Christ, belief in Him, the Transfigured Lord.
- Did any rioter cry out to Him?
- Has any mayor who kowtowed to chaos suggested prayer for direction instead of appeasement to solve problems?
To suggest fidelity to God may transform us with our myriad social ills far more than burning buildings and looting stores.
The readings for the Second Sunday of Lent are right on target for our time. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son. He was put to the test and was rewarded, God told him, “because you observed My command.” Paul said, “If God is for us, who can be against us.” God gave His Son to us, “will He not also give us everything else along with Him?”
And Christ transfigured!

We are not getting this message. All we’ve heard for the last year is sickness, death counts, and riots and chaos and executive orders and vaccine statistics. Where are our priests and bishops exhorting us to faith and hope and love – love revealed in the extraordinary charity of the works of mercy that Pope Francis calls for?
And we aren’t “getting” the message on the level of understanding that all the calls to transform the world mean nothing without our personal step into the change the transfigured Christ brings.
This article, We’re Not Getting the Message is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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