Cindy Paslawski

The Smoke of Satan

Yet another hit on serious Catholics and Christians. On January 22, President Obama reaffirmed his support for Roe v. Wade saying the government should not intrude in this most private decision. Coupled with the HHS directive requiring health insurers to cover contraception and abortion taking effect this month, and the Inaugural Address support of homosexual…


Take a Stand

I finally watched For Greater Glory — a little late, I know — about the persecution of the Church in Mexico in the 1920s. The Cristeros joined the cause for freedom for various reasons, plunder, prestige, faith, but in the end they stood for something even to death. It was a moving testament which gave…


From our Mailbag: A Reader in Canada Questions Dolan

An astute observation came to our email from a reader who signed the Petition for the Campaign for Humanae Vitae, that we felt compelled to share here. Dear Bellarmine Forum. Thank you for the opportunity to sign the Humanae Vitae petition from Canada. I am pleased to do so. I was surprised and am concerned…


Now That You’ve Heard the New Translations: Why?

(Editor’s note: The italicized words are the questions asked by an educated 30-something Catholic, who attends Mass regularly.) “Why are they doing this to us? Why are they changing the words of the Mass? What’s the big deal about a few words here and there?” The person asking these questions is a victim of over-preparation…