John B. Manos

head and shoulder photo of Pope Francis from behind with a cloudy sky and the words "esta bien?" above his head

The One Thing I Wonder About Pope Francis Meeting President Trump

I remember the buzz earlier this year when Pope Francis was sending a message to the United States for the Super bowl. I wondered what he would say. I had hoped it would not be a rehash of his statements about migrants. I thought it was an interesting idea that the Pope would think to send a message,…

styled image of Our Lady of Fatima, with words for May being the Month of Mary, a blue background behind her, and at her side is a red square Bellarmine Forum logo

The Beginning of the 100th Anniversary of Fatima is Confusing

If I mention Fatima to you, what would you mention first? (Yes, I mean this literally not as a rhetorical question. Say whatever it is). I think it is wild how vast the responses would be: Maybe you would tell me about whether Russia was consecrated. Fourth Secret anyone? Akita and its message (I’m guilty of this, but…


St. George’s Witness To the Age of Fraud

Today is the feast of St. George. People always associate him with the slaying of the dragon, however, I think there is something more important about him often overlooked. He was a Greek living in Palestine who became a Roman soldier. He converted to Catholicism. In 303, Emperor Diocletian, after having the newly built church in Nicodemia destroyed,…


Belt it Out for Easter! Deo Gratias Alleluia!!! Alle-e-e-e-lu-u-i-a-a!!!!

I used to get so happy to hear that long chant from the priest on Easter:  Ite Missa Est, Alleluia, Alleluia!!!! Then, we’d get the long Deo Gratias, Alleluia…  Alleluia!!!!! It was something I looked forward to all year.  One year, the priest did the short chant.  I felt cheated. That seemed like the perfect punctuation to place…

icon of St. Mary of Egypt. Above her is Our Lord in the heavens, but it appears that cabbages makes the clouds beneath Him. Scenes depict her life, including Zosimas's burial aided by the lion

Good Friday Audio: The Story of St. Mary of Egypt

If you are looking for something fruitful to consider on Good Friday today, in addition to the Stations of the Cross and the lent meditations we have, this little audio is a refreshing story of just what Christ purchased by suffering the Cross, the spitting, the insults, and death for us. In the prayers for…


Thank God! Fr. Heilman Reports Bishop Morlino Stops Communion in the Hand

Thank God for good news from the Church in America. A post making the rounds today from Fr. Heilman’s blog reports the following: Now, during last evening’s Chrism Mass, Bishop Morlino concluded his homily by appealing to all of his priests in his diocese to strongly encourage their parishioners to begin receiving Communion on the tongue…


Ad Absurdum: Contextualizing John the Baptist for Amoris Laetitia

At some point in this mess over the consternations on the problematic Amoris Laetitia, it occurred to me that John the Baptist and St. Thomas More have a lot to say about it. There are a lot of voices in the swirl…  well, every voice it seems besides that of Pope Francis. One can make the argument, and…


Rosary Brigade: Witches Threaten to Attack our President and His Supporters

There have been numerous reports circulating today that witches will conduct spell casting on February 24 to harm President Trump. They are also trying to recruit others to join in with them. Some stories also say that they intend to harm his supporters as well. Although Fr. Heilman has suggested using St. Patrick’s Lorica for protection, I…


Rockford Bishop Spreads the Disunity of Pastoral Unity.

Alternate Title:  Stop trashing Ad Orientem while Ignoring Communion in the Hand The hippies win again… or: When AmChurch Smacks Trads, it Does it With HARSHEST RIGIDITY Word is spreading today of discussion on the Bishop of Rockford, who wrote in his pastoral letter that: First, as I noted at that time, we are all…


2017: but “Post-truth” Began with Abortion, is Consequence of Hardon’s Neopaganism

Fantasyland is not just an insult anymore — it’s real. And people live there and force the rest of us there, too. When I was a kid, I remember getting burned by a childhood insult many times…. If I said, “I love carrots and peas”, then quickly someone else would say “oh yeah, then why don’t you marry…