John B. Manos

Zuckerberg’s Facebook Church is Real … Don’t Misunderstand him

Recently, there was a bunch of hooey because Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said he thought Facebook groups could replace church for many people. I think he’s right. Unfortunately, I take the opposite stance that the Federalist took. They said Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t understand church. They explain that Facebook cannot replace church. See, Mark Zuckerberg Is Clueless About Church If He…


All Are Welcome? Gay Orgies at the Vatican? St. John Chrysostom has an answer

No doubt you’ve already read many reports of the police arrest of a high ranking Vatican monsignor. The police raided a debauchery of cocaine and “lusts among men” occurring in the apartment of Cardinal Coccopalmerio. This Cardinal has publicly stated that the church should emphasize the “positive” aspects of homosexual relationships. I don’t really need to bring…


If Gay Pride Was All About “Love”, then Why Do they Lash Out at Bishop Paprocki?

One of my favorite scenes from Casablanca is when the white-suited man comes up to the couple seated to dine outside. He is warning them that they must be careful in Casablanca… there are vultures, vultures everywhere! The man is grateful and thanks him for the concern. Then, he calls for the waiter and comes to realize that…


Father Hardon: How to Stop the Sexual Suicide

I was sitting at my desk one day and someone came to my office door and commented that they thought I was sitting in the dark. They say that because I didn’t have the bright fluorescent lights on, but let natural light come in the window. A little while later, someone else came and said the exact…


Replacing Condoms and Pills with Pride Parades

I keep telling myself that I’m not going to berate the rainbow itself. But… anyone that has been online this month,  has seen enough of them. This month of June is supposed to be for the Sacred Heart.   The same Lord who has that Sacred Heart in His human chest is ignited by a Divine love for…


The Immaculate Heart Prevents Modern Errors on the Sacred Heart

Notre Dame is still pushing the fantasyland of McBrien and Rahner’s process theology. But, this one thing about the Immaculate Heart of Mary prevents the delusional errors of making the Sacred Heart into a mere force of the universe that we must merge ourselves into. Rather, it is a real human heart that loves you.

vatican china deal bishops swift benedict zen

SPECULATION: Pope Francis, Chinese Bishops, SWIFT, and Benedict’s Resignation

I have a pretty interesting idea about what might have been happening last month when Pope Francis (the Vatican) was discussing how Chinese Bishops are selected with the Chinese Government. VATICAN DESPERATE TO MAKE DEAL “AT ANY COST” Recall, that back in February, news reported that Cardinal Zen feared that Pope Francis was selling them…

Bellarmine Punching Out Martin Luther

Comparing Barron and Bellarmine on Luther

I think it’s worth it to compare yesterday’s news of Bishop Barron’s praise of Luther to St. Robert Bellarmine’s opinion of Martin Luther.  In yesterday’s post about Barron’s post on Luther, I made several comments about Luther’s attacks on the Blessed Mother. Some thought I was wrong on this point. Father Hardon, when discussing the Blessed…

martin luther should not be praised

Lionizing Heresiarchs: Bishop Barron Praises Luther, Why Not Arius too?

Our English language has truly descended into such fluidity that this whole post is probably not even worth writing. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to say something. Bishop Barron has commented on Martin Luther, and some of the language he selected makes my stomach turn. I’ll get to his thing in a minute…  First, let me set the table….

Corpus Christi Procession Pope Gregory four corners

On Corpus Christi, 5 Things You Might Not Know about Processions

Do you know why there are banners for processions?  how about the children being up front?  and why do they go outside in open air? I love the Bellarmine Forum Catechism Explained that is on our site because it has the answers to questions like these and it makes the Faith we share all the…