John B. Manos

The X-Files of the Church: Slaying Dragons, Resurrection from the dead, and George

Today is the feast of Saint George, who has a pedigree that will make your head spin with fascination and wonder. He isn’t known as a “wonder worker” per se, but he is attributed in various historical accounts as: slaying a dragon; having resurrected from the dead after having been slain for his conversion; coming…


Was Today First Saturday? or… No First Saturday this month?

If Annunciation, an immovable feast, was moved all the way from March 25 to April 8th, this past Monday, then that must mean that any other immovable feast, and similar votive intent is moved as well, correct? Last Saturday was the first Saturday in April. But, because that was low Saturday, it was not proper…


Deo Gratias…. ALLELUIA. Yes, we should still be chanting that.

40 days without alleluia, used to mean 40 days with it… Now, we’re lucky to get 8… Irritating, isn’t it? No fear, we got alleluias here.


People Showed up in Droves to Comment on the Record Against HHS Mandate!

Unprecedented numbers of comments were filed in the administrative record of the HHS Mandate rule. Thank you, and the bishops think you for the support. Our work isn’t done, though, as Fr. Hardon had this battle pegged a long time ago.


Did you comment on HHS? What did you say?

With less than an hour to go before the public comment deadline, we’ve gotten several reports of what people wound up saying. One early comment came from another attorney who wrote his own comment, a darn good one. Several reported that they copied and pasted our comment directly. Several others said they had already comment…


Is Annunciation Really Today? Why Would it Bother Me?

As we discussed back on March 25th, today is the feast of the Annunciation, or is it? Is Pope Francis really ruining the Western Church, or is the uncertainty of a day like today? What should we be irritated by today?


40,000 comments today, and counting! 12 Hours left to make your voice heard!

Today, 40,000 more public comments were made on the proposed HHS contraception mandate. The public comment period for this administrative rule ends tonight at 11:59 eastern– there’s still time to be part of the permanent record for this rule!


DO IT TODAY: A Quick and Simple Way to Stand Up for Humanae Vitae

We must comment on the HHS Contraceptive Mandate because it does not allow individuals to be exempt from government forcing us to accept contraception, sterilization, and abortion causing drugs — essentially the government forcing us to call evil good. Follow the directions herein to easily make your comment before the deadline tomorrow night.


Święconka tradition emulates the very first Easter – 7 foods, and Holy Saturday Blessing of Food

Holy Saturday, Easter baskets, and blessed food for first Easter meal. With the prayers usually prayed by the priest over the seven foods traditionally in the basket.