
Saturday Night Theater: Malachi Martin and William Buckley talk Church in 1978 at the Election of John Paul I

Sit back and listen to a discussion of two good intellectual entertainers talk about the State of the Church in 1978 and the trends affecting the future… 40 years later, it’s telling how well they saw what was coming.


Brebeuf Jesuit Prep in Detente with the Devil versus How to be Humble in the Month of Pride – BFP014

Two Jesuit-educated alums consider whether the Society of Jesus is marching under “the other standard”, secularization, how to find refuge and thrive in the devil’s world we find ourselves in today.

image shows Our Lord appearing to Sr. Margaret Mary Sacred Heart

“Behold This Heart Which Has So Loved Men” – The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Learn the origin of the Sacred Heart devotion, and the 12 promises Our Lord made for those who honor Him this way.


March On Christian Soldier in the Victory Parade of Corpus Christi – BFP013

Corpus Christi is a prefigurement of that parade we’ll be part of in Heaven. Topics include: “Clinging to the ashes of the past” — You can have you latin, but just not in the Mass — the “eucharist” is a verb (!) — Priest on Twitter who wonders if people make an idol of the Blessed Sacrament


The Banishment Of Religion From Public View: Dark Victory of the Enlightenment

Twenty Years Ago, the Forum warned of the trend to push God aside and deify man – and the social effects sound just like today. Notre Dame is burning indeed! Part III


Humanism and the Sacred (by Msgr. Schuler, 1969)

Msgr Schuler nailed it in 1969. The problems of sacred music today do not lie in repertory or congregational participation. The disputes over Latin and the vernacular, the choir, the use of [guitar] are not the essential points …The problem is one of Faith – man replacing God.


Truly He Has Risen!

Хрисtос Воскрес! Воїстину Воскрес! Christ has risen, truly He has risen! And here we are, basking in the glow of our Redemption, at least during these Octave days. The high level of activity has toned down, advertising on TV has shifted, and although sin continues, there is a sense of peace. There is always a…


On Benedict, Francis, and Sin

Cindy explains how we got to the mess we find ourselves in, how Benedict explained it, and what the solution to our mess really is.


Tre Ore – The Seventh Word – Fr. James McCumminskey SJ – BFD008 Play in new window | DownloadPerfect lenten meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ.  This was recorded in 1975 and spoken by Fr. James McCumminskey at St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati.   As one listener puts it:  “I have to listen to this every year.  Several times.“ Seven episodes in all, this is…


A Kiss for Graf and a Kick for Phillips: Judas in Chicago?

Nobody will convince me that the events whereby Fr. Graf was reinstated were not orchestrated without care and attention to how this series of events would insult the Canons Regular.