
Terri Aluise, a Busy Mom on Saying the Rosary Daily, Consecration, and Heaven — BFP 005 Play in new window | DownloadIf you are struggling to say your Rosary daily, wonder if your devotion today will mean anything in the future, or looking for a powerful way to step up your spiritual life, then listen to this episode with Terri Aluise. Terri Aluise joins John and discusses the need to…


This is Why Fr. James Martin Makes no Sense – Your Annie Oakley Decoder Ring

I promise you that this post will become a decoder ring for you to read Fr. James Martin and others in the AmChurch. You’ll laugh and rub your hands with glee as you will be able to predict exactly what he’ll say about things. You see, he’s just a modernist, in my humble opinion, and he’s following…


Which is Worse: China Banning Children from Church or Our Sub-Par Catechesis?

In the news today, reports are there that four provinces in China now ban children from churches.  The churches are warned not to allow parents to bring children or they will be severely punished. I was thinking about that. If successful, it will be a generation that has no memory of going to church with the…


Accompanying Herod: Why did People Go out in the Wilderness to See John the Baptist?

 “Did you find everything you were looking for?” I remember the first time I heard that question.  I had been looking around that store for what seemed to be hours.  At one point, I asked a clerk in the store to help and they had to go get some help.  They never returned. As I…


The Church of Wussies: this is why John the Baptist was Beheaded

I’ve gotten sick of hearing the phrase “oh, if they do that, it will cause a schism.”  Almost always there is some quasi-pastoral calculus as to why we should suffer a stupidity in order to keep the faithful in the Church. Communion in the hand, for instance. A stupid, mind-numbing, pernicious attack on true faith. Rather than correct…


Pope Francis Endorses Felt Banners, Guitars, Carol King “Hymns”, Church in the Round

If you read the headlines today, it sounds like Pope Francis made an infallible pronouncement! (whoa, step back!). America Magazine proclaimed:  Pope Francis says with magisterial authority: the Vatican II liturgical reform is ‘irreversible’  CRUX rallied with a howling:  Pope Francis says with magisterial authority: the Vatican II liturgical reform is ‘irreversible’ and both seemed to…


How churches, hymns, and liars lie today – BFP 004 Play in new window | DownloadIn this episode of the Bellarmine Forum podcast, John B. Manos discusses with you the two standards in today’s context: On one side, God is a Person (the Triune Person) – a living person who has thoughts, loves you, and became man. On the other side, God is a…

holy spirit monolith space odyssey

For $12 Million, at least build a Catholic Church – AmChurch in Las Vegas Diocese

Is it possible that AmChurch is plainly revealing the new theology dreamt of by modernists? Readers are no doubt aware of the modernists of whom Pope Pius X wrote who, like termites, consume the Church from within, and seek to introduce the new theology.  The new theology, of course, is born of hell.  It is…


Memory and Imagination

As a boy growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, I must say—quoting Evelyn Waugh’s description of his own youth—that “I had an idyllic childhood.” At the end of our street was Lake Erie and as kids, my friends and I would go swimming, fishing, sneaking around the backyards and beaches of the rich people whose houses…


SPECULATION: Did Putin Tell Trump to Out the Pedophiles, or he will? Spadaro’s PR coup

Pope Francis Warned of the Sacrilegious Cult.  Banker Pedophiles?  Spadaro threw a Molotov cocktail.  Putin delivers an Ultimatum to Trump?  And still no one is talking about the Vatican auditor that resigned. A few weeks ago, I was listening to the radio and the topic was the meeting of Trump and Putin at the G20….