
On the 96th anniversary of the Fatima Secret: a new take on the vision of the Angel

Today is the 96th anniversary of the vision to the three children at Fatima. Coincidently, it is also the 48th year for the Bellarmine Forum. Thus, Fatima is twice as old as the Bellarmine forum this year. On top of that, it is the 90th anniversary of St. Robert Bellarmine’s beatification on May 13, 1923! …


Footnote 32: Cardinal Burke on Humanae Vitae Play in new window | DownloadThe Bellarmine Forum’s Campaign for Humanae Vitae™ got a big boost in April, as Raymond Cardinal Burke urged the laity to encourage our priests and bishops to teach the truths of the faith in their dioceses. Waiting for national bishops’ conferences and their bureaucracies to do it means delay and a watered-down…


From Under the Rubble…Is the Rule of Law Immoral?

The collapse of legitimacy in Washington continues, and the immigration debate is no exception. The rule of law withers away, while partisans wallow in sentimentalism, with curious consequences: consider the religious leaders who are at the forefront of the pro-amnesty movement. Somehow, they’re on the same side of the issue as big business, the banksters,…


Confusing the Little Things Obscures the Big: Ascension Thursday

In Acts 1:3 we read that Our Lord ascended to Heaven forty days after His Glorious Resurrection. The importance of this Feast is punctuated by Fr. Hardon: It is very important to be convinced that Christ’s Ascension into heaven was an historical fact. As early as the beginning of the second century, St. Ignatius of…


Our Lady of Fatima and Two Humble Priests

Having learned of Pope Francis’s desire to entrust his Pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, I decided to settle down to the famous Fatima documentary from the mid-1980s narrated by Ricardo Montelban. Besides enjoying the suave and debonair devout Catholic and proprietor of TV’s Fantasy Island, something struck me in this documentary about Our Lady’s message to…


A Book That Tells the Tales of Immigrants, Traditions, and the Help of the Blessed Mother

Using antique statues of the Blessed Mother as windows into the eras of their creation, Nancy Murray has written a compelling history of the beautiful, historic city of St Augustine. The delicate, classically crafted Nuestra Señora de La Leche y Buen Parto (Our Lady of the Milk and Happy Delivery) midwifed the city’s founding under…


From Under the Rubble…Happy Birthday, 1913!

The Rubble often notes with a fond nostalgia the wisdom of Robert Nisbet, who was born in 1913. In that year, he once observed, the only contact that the average US citizen had with the federal government was the Post Office. But along with the brilliant Nisbet, several evils were also born in 1913. The Sixteenth Amendment…


Footnote 31: An Interview with Phil Lawler Play in new window | DownloadIn Footnote 30, Chris Manion interviews Phil Lawler, Editor of Catholic Culture (


What Really Killed the Catholic Church in America

Appearing on a heavily trafficked blog today is an article by Fr. Dwight Longenecker titled What’s Killing American Catholicism.  In it, Father Longenecker says two things worthy of note: Ethnic Parishes destroyed America (!).  Literally, he says “The first problem is cultural Catholicism”.  I am flabbergasted and nearly speechless at the ignorance of this statement….


Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Chicago Bombings, Labor Riots, and Terror of Demons

What does St. Joseph have to do with May Day? How is Chicago tied into this feast? Is this feast still needed today or has the need go away? Find out why May Day is really St. Joseph day!!