
Footnote 28: The Knights of Malta Reach Out to College Students

In Footnote 28, Chris Manion interviews Greg August, a Knight of Magistral Grace in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, to discuss the Order’s outreach to college students, especially those in the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS).


Święconka tradition emulates the very first Easter – 7 foods, and Holy Saturday Blessing of Food

Holy Saturday, Easter baskets, and blessed food for first Easter meal. With the prayers usually prayed by the priest over the seven foods traditionally in the basket.


Why Pontius Pilate is in the Apostles Creed, not Judas or the Jews. Gird your loins for the answer.

Of all the people and names surrounding the Passion and Crucifixion of Our Lord, why is Pontius Pilate singled out in the Apostles Creed by name? The answer will startle you.


Holy Saturday and The Blessing of the Easter Food

My grandfather’s sister, my great-Aunt Ann, was a formidable old Slovenian spinster. A woman who suffered greatly, she had no natural children of her own and lost her husband when his airplane crashed in the Pacific during World War II. She was a force to be reckoned with during her whole life and when she…


From Under the Rubble…Should the Church Abandon Humanae Vitae?

Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae on July 25, 1968. It has had a rough ride ever since. Bishops admit that they’ve been reluctant to teach it. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, Chairman of the bishops’ “Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth,” acknowledges that “the majority of Catholics still do not know about Church…


Irritations of Modern Liturgical Accommodations: Today is March 25th, Annunciation, except here

Somebody broke our calendar in the US… Today is March 25th, when for the twenty centuries up until now, we celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation.


The Second Vatican Council: Tradition and Continuity

Think you know Vatican II? Can you name the documents and facts of Vatican II besides Lumen Gentium? Ever wonder what the popes were thinking who signaled the need for a council? (and why what happened afterward wasn’t what they were looking for) — Our latest Magazine has these and more answers!


From Under the Rubble…Should Catholics Join the Military?

­Ten years ago, on March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation of Mary, Most Reverend Edwin F. O’Brien, Archbishop for the Military Services, wrote the chaplains under his command. His letter focused on the question, whether Catholics could morally take part in the invasion of Iraq, which had just begun. The Catholic answer was not…


Footnote 27: Is “Government Charity” An Oxymoron?

In Footnote 27, Chris Manion interviews Steve Mosher, President of the Population Research Institution, discussing the issues that arise when Catholic nonprofits accept government funding or sign on as government contractors.


You should read this: The Life of St. Mary of Egypt

The Story of Saint Mary of Egypt and Father Zosimas is a perennially rich source of grace for lent. Enjoy reading this with your family this week.