“Clerics and the faithful are not permitted to participate…”
I’ll take an educated (though not metaphysically certain) position that this is the biggest snake-oil job in the last 40 years. Our Lady is a woman of few words.
“Ask her out” was what they said before the ToB Movement
I can remember the shock as I heard the answer to a question I put to Fr. John N. Felton, SJ. Fr. Felton, may God grant his soul to rest with a just repose, was a classics professor at Xavier University who used to say noon Mass at my old parish… In Latin, when he…
Dark Night Arrives
Finally, today, I had a box in my mailbox — I was hoping, and it turned out to be the box for which I have been waiting. The Fall catalog of Roman Catholic Books advertised this saucy title from Dr. Alice von Hildebrand: It is precisely what it says: a critique of the Theology of the…
Spring a Friend — the All Souls Day way
“Not by weeping,” says St. John Chrysostom, “but by prayer and almsgiving are the dead relieved.” Know anybody that passed away this past year? Time to visit their grave and pray for them, because you can get a soul out of purgatory today due to that wrinkle which permits a plenary indulgence to be gained for…
From Under the Rubble…Hail to the Dictators!
It’s the Redskins versus the Crybabies in the Victims Bowl. Washington’s beloved pro football team is just the latest target of opportunity for the racial hucksters who are writing the next edition of Big Brother’s NewSpeak Dictionary. Like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, however, the professional malcontents are actually conducting a false flag operation to keep…
All Souls Day
Ah! that day of tears and mourning, From the dust of earth returning, Man for judgment must prepare him, Spare, O God, in mercy spare him. Lord, all-pitying, Jesus blest, Grant them Thine eternal rest.
Footnote 52: Will the Bus Head For Chicago? Play in new window | DownloadThe “Nuns on the Bus” are acting like a couple of political charlatans. But they can reprieve their reputations by rallying to the long-standing tradition of women religious and their service to children.
From Under the Rubble…Hiccups in the Hierarchy
Hiccups in the Hierarchy The Catholic Church in the United States is witnessing one of the most tumultuous periods in its history. So when the nation’s Catholic bishops meet in Baltimore during the second week in November, they will have a lot to talk about. Three years ago, the bishops rejected the establishment candidate of…