People Showed up in Droves to Comment on the Record Against HHS Mandate!
Unprecedented numbers of comments were filed in the administrative record of the HHS Mandate rule. Thank you, and the bishops think you for the support. Our work isn’t done, though, as Fr. Hardon had this battle pegged a long time ago.
Did you comment on HHS? What did you say?
With less than an hour to go before the public comment deadline, we’ve gotten several reports of what people wound up saying. One early comment came from another attorney who wrote his own comment, a darn good one. Several reported that they copied and pasted our comment directly. Several others said they had already comment…
Is Annunciation Really Today? Why Would it Bother Me?
As we discussed back on March 25th, today is the feast of the Annunciation, or is it? Is Pope Francis really ruining the Western Church, or is the uncertainty of a day like today? What should we be irritated by today?
40,000 comments today, and counting! 12 Hours left to make your voice heard!
Today, 40,000 more public comments were made on the proposed HHS contraception mandate. The public comment period for this administrative rule ends tonight at 11:59 eastern– there’s still time to be part of the permanent record for this rule!
DO IT TODAY: A Quick and Simple Way to Stand Up for Humanae Vitae
We must comment on the HHS Contraceptive Mandate because it does not allow individuals to be exempt from government forcing us to accept contraception, sterilization, and abortion causing drugs — essentially the government forcing us to call evil good. Follow the directions herein to easily make your comment before the deadline tomorrow night.
Footnote 29: Knight Bill Williams recounts the history of the Order – Part 1
In Footnote 29, Chris Manion interviews Bill Williams, a Knight of Magistral Grace in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, who recounts some highlights in the history of the Order on the Island of Malta.
From Under the Rubble…The Old-Time Religion, Revised
The 2008 election season was just getting under way – a lifetime ago, it seems – when Don Devine, a longtime conservative and Reagan Administration official, decided to stir the pot. He emailed some of his conservative friends from the old days – the really old days. They passed it around and soon there were…
Footnote 28: The Knights of Malta Reach Out to College Students
In Footnote 28, Chris Manion interviews Greg August, a Knight of Magistral Grace in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, to discuss the Order’s outreach to college students, especially those in the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS).
Święconka tradition emulates the very first Easter – 7 foods, and Holy Saturday Blessing of Food
Holy Saturday, Easter baskets, and blessed food for first Easter meal. With the prayers usually prayed by the priest over the seven foods traditionally in the basket.
Why Pontius Pilate is in the Apostles Creed, not Judas or the Jews. Gird your loins for the answer.
Of all the people and names surrounding the Passion and Crucifixion of Our Lord, why is Pontius Pilate singled out in the Apostles Creed by name? The answer will startle you.