From Under the Rubble…Hoaxes and Hokum
The sad specter of deception that is haunting my alma mater, Notre Dame, these days brings to mind another hoax, more disastrous by far than a college football hero’s “imaginary girlfriend.” The nation is about to celebrate (or not) the tenth anniversary of Colin Powell’s infamous testimony before the United Nations Security Council, delivered on…
Footnote 20: Father Ken Baker talks about his Fascinating Career
In Footnote episode 20, Dr. Christopher Manion interviews Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., about his forty years as editor of the Homiletic and Pastoral Review, as well as his role as translator of the German works of Josef Cardinal Ratzinger.
From Under the Rubble…Nominations and Their Discontents
Twenty-four years ago this month, I got a call from Paul Weyrich, the fabled conservative leader. George H. W. Bush, had just nominated Senator John Tower to be Secretary of Defense, and Paul was going to testify against him. “Chris, come over to the hearings tomorrow, will you?” Paul asked. “I’m going to need some…
Footnote 19: Obama the Great Divider
In Footnote episode 18, Dr. Manion declares Obama to be The Great Divider. In Federalist Paper #1, Alexander Hamilton identified rationality as the critical ingredient of a constitutional republic. Yet, in the last election, voters were encouraged to vote on the basis of lust and envy, two of the strongest irrational passions.
Footnote 18: Dumbing down the Core Curriculum Play in new window | DownloadIn Footnote episode 18, Dr. Manion explains what it means when they say they are Dumbing Down The Core Curriculum. The federal government is at it again, pushing new “standards” for English that will require public school students to read government manuals instead of classical poetry and prose, all in…
Defending the Sanctity of Human Life with Fr. Ciszek
This month commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision of the United States Supreme Court which held that an unborn child is not a person and therefore not deserving of protection of the laws of the United States. One of the first signs of a totalitarian government is the mastery of words…
From Under the Rubble….The Benign Rendition Meets Reality
The Advent shootings at Sandy Hook School shocked the country’s conscience, and the grief that followed was genuine and widespread. However, by virtually unanimous consent, one primordial cause of the massacre has been conveniently kept from public view. Instead, we’ve gotten propaganda. For the Left, after all, a crisis is a terrible thing to waste,…
Footnote 17: Hey, Obama, Send Us Some Bacon!
The City of Detroit has been virtually destroyed by a series of incompetent and corrupt politicians. Yet those same politicians demand billions in federal taxpayer funds because they can deliver the votes. Should they get it?
Feast of the Epiphany–The Annual House Blessing
(picture courtesy of Fr. John Trigilio’s blog) *Many local parishes will provide the faithful with blessed chalk and incense. If your parish does not offer this, approach your priest (pester him if you have to!) and ask him to bless a piece of chalk for this traditional house blessing and devotion. The family gathers…