Cathedral of Christ of Savior

When Pub Talks Turn to Fights: Of Gruner, Schism, Russia, Secrets, Fatima, and Plots Against The Plan of Mary

When the Pub talk Goes Sour, the Fisticuffs Ensue… I will be the first to admit that I love chewing on the tasty morsels of prophecy and end times. You can’t beat it — if the end is the conclusion, then you get to solve the puzzle working backwards to now. This is the great life of…


What? Moscow helps Paris fund Notre Dame Christmas tree?

Yesterday, Russia Today released a story that is probably lost on Americans, most of whom have only dim faint lines of history.  Catholics, however, particularly anyone with a mild knowledge of Fatima, are keenly aware of Russia’s role in the 20th century. Back in the 1700’s, France and Russia got into a knock-down drag out…

Cathedral of Christ Our Savior on the Moscow River

Onion Domes on the Seine! (or, Our Lord will be Praised) – updated

The stones in France refuse to praise Our Lord, so it looks like the Russians will.