pope francis

A meme collage of Pope Francis disapproving next to Vigano but happy and approving of Luterh (Fair Use collage/composite for social commentary)

BFP Luther Defense – Vigano Should Be Honored by Francis (not prosecuted)

Francis, who praised and honored enemy of God, Martin Luther, a heresiarch and schismatic, now prosecutes Vigano for “Schism” .. nonfeasance, misfeasonce, and drama on the way.


BFP We Are Being Gamed by the Synod

The USCCB Synod Synthesis is a product of Game Theory, McKinsey and Co Communications, and a lot of Filtered Messaging designed to stuff you, faithful Catholic, into meaninglessness.


“I put the Calf in the Oven”, “we give Papal Awards to anyone that visits”, and Slavery

One my favorite lame excuses of all time should be enshrined and burned into the memory of every child. It should be repeated now and then while drinking — everyone at the table laugh and laugh and laugh. It should be the first example off our lips when someone dissembles…  “I put the gold in the oven…

head and shoulder photo of Pope Francis from behind with a cloudy sky and the words "esta bien?" above his head

The One Thing I Wonder About Pope Francis Meeting President Trump

I remember the buzz earlier this year when Pope Francis was sending a message to the United States for the Super bowl. I wondered what he would say. I had hoped it would not be a rehash of his statements about migrants. I thought it was an interesting idea that the Pope would think to send a message,…


Was Pope Francis Implicating the Legion of Christ as “Swindlers?”

Recently, Pope Francis pigeonholed problem people in the Church and gives us three particular groups of his concern. L’Osservatore Romano translated the three major groups as “Uniformists, alternativists and advantagists.” This last group, the advantagists is the one that they reported as: “’look for advantages’. They ‘go to Church but for personal advantage, and wind up conducting…


Pope Francis to Bishops: “we do not need a manager, a CEO of a company”

Just today, Pope Francis spoke to the Congregation of Bishops (reported in Italian here). Yesterday, I asked “if the pope will take care of the Vatican, and I will take care of cleaning myself up, who takes care of the middle?” It appears Pope Francis answered that question today! Speaking to the Bishops, he declared:…


A Modest Proposal to Pope Francis—Restore the Ember Days!

Recently, our Holy Father Pope Francis called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace in war-torn Syria. In a sight that we haven’t seen in recent memory, Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist was exposed in St. Peter’s Square for this prayer vigil on the eve of the Feast of Our Lady’s birth….


Exorcising the Vatican? Pope Francis style. With Fatima, St. Michael, and Leo XIII

Recently the news ran headlines that Pope Francis called for the Fatima Statue of Mary to be brought to the Vatican — in their words “to consecrate the world.”  I…