Real Presence

Corpus Christi – What’s Missing

As the Feast of Corpus Christi nears, it is worth noticing that Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is not a mere a participation prize


Communion in the Hand is “Perfectly” Legal?

When famous ponzi scheme fraudster Bernie Madoff was apprehended, he defended himself by positing that “I was only doing what everyone else was.” I can recall trying that defense as a child:  everyone else is doing it…  The implication is plain:  …so it must be OK.  That never really worked with my parents (nor should…


Is Corpus Christi Interesting Enough to Draw Drunken Fops and Gun Salutes?

In recent years, there has been a push to make public processions again on Corpus Christi. Thank God!  after all, that’s Our Lord, Living and Present in the Blessed Sacrament!  We should boldly proclaim to the world the good news that Jesus is Risen from the Dead and lives among us! As we all know, not…