
Unwrapping the Consequences of Secular Christmas Fatigue and How Catholics Deal With It

Are you feeling worn out from the commercialization of Christmas? Find out how the holiday season has shifted in recent years and learn what Catholics do about “Secular Christmas Fatigue”.


Brebeuf Jesuit Prep in Detente with the Devil versus How to be Humble in the Month of Pride – BFP014

Two Jesuit-educated alums consider whether the Society of Jesus is marching under “the other standard”, secularization, how to find refuge and thrive in the devil’s world we find ourselves in today.


The Banishment Of Religion From Public View: Dark Victory of the Enlightenment

Twenty Years Ago, the Forum warned of the trend to push God aside and deify man – and the social effects sound just like today. Notre Dame is burning indeed! Part III


On Benedict, Francis, and Sin

Cindy explains how we got to the mess we find ourselves in, how Benedict explained it, and what the solution to our mess really is.


Ad Absurdum: Contextualizing John the Baptist for Amoris Laetitia

At some point in this mess over the consternations on the problematic Amoris Laetitia, it occurred to me that John the Baptist and St. Thomas More have a lot to say about it. There are a lot of voices in the swirl…  well, every voice it seems besides that of Pope Francis. One can make the argument, and…


Notre Dame’s Fr. Jenkins Wants to “Dialogue” When He Should Condemn

(picture courtesy of the Associated Press) The declining reputation of the flagship Catholic university in the United States continues. Since Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. cozied up with the most pro-abortion President in United States history two years ago, the University–in the person of her President–has been an open apologist for the leader of a post-Christian…