Forum Asides

Greece Slams Turkey’s Attempts to make Hagia Sophia into a Mosque.

The Hagia Sophia is the crown jewel of Byzantium. Emperor Justinian, upon entering it and beholding the finished Church is said to have exclaimed, “I have outdone thee, Solomon!” Today, the Church is a museum, but recent years saw some tolerance (any leeway seems to have been caused by the pressure of Pope Benedict) by…


Bishop Paprocki Defends Marriage, Prays Prayers of Exorcism

Here is the homily of Bishop Paprocki from the Prayers of Supplication and Exorcism in Reparation for the Sin of Same Sex Marriage.  Strength to your arm, Your Excellency!


Today’s Exorcism Might stop the March to Fantasyland

The news is reporting that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn intends to sign the so-called Gay Marriage Bill into state law today. As we reported here, Bishop Paprocki is ready to exorcise his diocese in reparation for this legislative stroll into fantasyland. The Chicago Tribune, revealing an entirely materialist bent, leads with a headline that this…


Melkite Nun: Syria is torn apart by foreign interests

Mother Agnes Miriam, who we’ve reported on here in the past is touring the United States discussing the atrocities in Syria. Most importantly, she’s explaining that the so-called “civil war” did not come from within as our news would have us believe. Local TV in Lincoln, NE covered her talk there. They report: To her,…


Pope Continues to Teach against Authoritarianism

Thanks be to God for Pope Francis! I continue to enjoy his homilies and he often has articulations of concepts that have irked me for a while. He said in his homily today ( God save us from the “hegemonic uniformity ” of the “one line of thought” Amen. For too long I’ve been irritated about the…


How the Local Greeks Commented on the Weeping Icon

I have not found or heard further news on the Icon of St. Michael that had been weeping in Greece. I have found a few comments from Greeks there about the weeping icon. Said the priest at the Church home to the icon:  “it is a message for all of us that we must be…


Can the Bishops even do as Peter tells them?

For the lengthy and flowery flourishes appropriate of a Papal Nuncio’s address to a pack of Bishops, there is one phrase in there that I wish would have been the only phrase: [Pope Francis’s] own deepest hope today for the pastors of the Church in America, as well as for all the pastors of the…


In case you missed the Good Fight

Last Saturday, I was the first hour guest on Barbara McGuigan’s The Good Fight. We spoke about St. Nicholas, the HHS Mandate, punching Arias, and what the saints have done when the state uses its power to oppress and suppress the faithful. I enjoyed chatting with Barbara and discussing these things, and I think I’m getting…


The Tragic Comedy of Dehellenized Vocabulary

Or, how classical Platonists and modern neoplatonists interpret Theology of the Body topics. In his Regensberg lecture, Pope Benedict complained that we are now encountering the dehellenization of society. That one word has so much import that we could fill books speaking of the ramifications, but in my amateur capacity, I like to summarize what…


“Clerics and the faithful are not permitted to participate…”

I’ll take an educated (though not metaphysically certain) position that this is the biggest snake-oil job in the last 40 years.  Our Lady is a woman of few words.