
The Real Battle

Excellent piece here at the First Things Blog by William Doino on the Pope and “smoke of Satan” in the Church.  Reminiscent of our own posts, here, here, here, and here.  Throw up a prayer to St. Michael today, especially for the Holy Father and his governance of the Church.


Footnote 51: Is the Natural Law “Rational”? Play in new window | DownloadThe Washington Post doesn’t think so.


Footnote 50: Is Big Brother Sharing Your Secrets? Play in new window | DownloadWhat would happen if the word got out that the U.S. Government were sharing all your personal data, conversations, and emails with the Vatican? Ed. note: due to technical glitch, this episode has been updated to connect to the correct audio file.


From Under the Rubble…The Swagger Factor

The always inspiring Father George Rutler recalled some helpful history the other day: There was a time … when schoolboys memorized, among other famous classical lines, the expression: “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.” It was the exasperated call, in the second-century B.C. Senate of the Roman Republic, for the conquest of Carthage in what is…


“The Shutdown Won’t Stop Us”

Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ), an Alinskyian organizing network that works directly with clergy, seminarians, and unions,i sent out an e-letter titled “The shutdown won’t stop us.” Their point was that even if the government isn’t working, IWJ is still on task, helping to organize rallies around the country for comprehensive immigration reform. The term has…


Footnote 49: Two Texan Filibusters Play in new window | DownloadFootnote wandered over to the Senate Chamber last month to watch Sen. Ted Cruz read a bedtime story to his kids. But the media prefer the Texas State Senator who spent eleven hours defending infanticide.


Ignatius Speaks?

Ignatius of Loyola Speaks Karl Rahner, S.J. St. Augustine’s Press Paperback, $13.00 Simply looking at the cover of Ignatius of Loyola Speaks instantly sets the stage for the work. It gives the context of the work, quotes from Karl Rahner late in life saying it is “a sort of last will and testament” and “a…


From Under the Rubble…Progress and Hatred of the Past

C.S. Lewis, in his introduction to The Great Divorce, recalls a science fiction story featuring a man who is able to return to the past. There he encounters a startling world: the past is so concretely real that the very blades of grass he walks on are stiff and unbending. Like sharp nails, they cut into…


Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis: Prudence? Incoherence?

by Guest Author, George Glavan Have they blown it again? Given the recent scandals of priestly sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, this seems to be another slap in the face to the good priests and the lay faithful of the Archdiocese: Kathleen Erickson DiGiorno. Task force chairwoman. Attorney at Medtronic, where she served…


Magazine — Vatican II: Renewal or Rupture?

What led the robe-clad nuns of the fifties to come to resemble the women’s libbers of the seventies? When did the priests become ‘presiders’ and jump into secular garb, instead of wearing the Roman collar as a badge of honor? Ever hear of a document on religious freedom? It was about the right for an…