
The Problem with Catholic Relief Services

Unlike the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, which was founded to fund left-wing political organizations and has never deviated from that path, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has a long (since 1943) and honorable history of humanitarian service, providing food, clothing and medicines around the world, wherever the need was great. Over time, health care, nutrition…


From Under the Rubble…Words, Words, Words!

A few weeks ago, Pope Francis asked us to pray, fast, and give alms on Saturday, September 7, for peace in Syria. We did, and on Monday, September 9, Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the New York Times somehow occasioned what Joe Sobran once referred to as “the qualm before the storm.” The Rubble couldn’t help…


A Conjecture on The Pope and The Atheist

In 1965, then Jesuit Scholastic Jorge Maria Bergoglio, S.J. was teaching high school at Colegio de la Inmaculada in Argentina.  No doubt he was aware of and took interest in the planned 31st General Congregation of the Society of Jesus.  Immediately before that convocation, Pope Paul VI gave a very specific directive to the Society of…


Is Man “for His Own Sake”?

 In the Second Vatican Council’s document on The Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes), the Council Fathers declare that man is “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake” (GS, no.24§3). The Catechism quotes this passage in two places (CCC, nos.356 and 1703). How are we to understand…


Holding Back the Secularist Tide that Threatens to Overtake Our Lady’s University

by Guest Author, Daniel J. Kelly, Esq. For Notre Dame: Battling for the Heart and Soul of a Catholic University Fr. Wilson D. Miscamble, C.S.C St. Augustine’s Press Paperback, $17.00 Academia is certainly a major front in contemporary culture wars.  Academics who dare trespass the politically correct positions espoused by the mainstream masses of tenured…


Footnote 48: German SWAT team invades Homeschooling Home Play in new window | DownloadGerman authorities sent a SWAT team with a battering ram to “rescue” four homeschooled children from their parents’ “prison” in Darmstadt. Footnote rejects the notion that this mentality is a leftover from the Hitler ear, and traces the mentality much further back in Germany. Footnote also recalls that John…


From Under the Rubble…”No More Yaltas!”

On September 25, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty [ATT] at the UN headquarters in New York. As my longtime Senate staff colleague Mike Hammond explains, the treaty “was scheduled for approval in the U.N. last year, in July, but was suddenly pulled off the table because Barack Obama…


BOUNTY: We Need a Copy of the Interview Everyone Else read

I’ve become convinced that America Magazine is playing a dirty trick on us. I’ve been reading this interview. From that, I wrote these articles: last Friday about tribalism, and this past Monday on Pope-a-mania. Apparently, our guest author Major Frey and Mr. DeJak were given the same interview as I saw, so America Magazine was able…


“Papa” Francis and the Prodigal Son’s Brother

by Guest Author, Major Adam E. Frey Clearly, not everyone in Catholic circles is happy with our new Holy Father.  While many of the prominent Catholic journalists that I follow have expressed surprise and delight at Pope Francis’ shock-and-awe strategy of using love to bring people back to the church, I have seen a disturbing…


Footnote 47: Wrong-Way Campaign Play in new window | DownloadWrong-Way Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett field in New York in 1938, heading for California. He somehow wound up in Dublin, Ireland, instead. President Obama’s proposed standards for government student loans demand higher graduation rates, rather than improved educational standards, at participating colleges and universities. Is he heading…