Why Do They Hate Us?
Save Me, Lord, from lying lips, From the tongues of the deceitful — Psalm 120 Why do they hate us? No, I don’t mean Al Queda, or the Arabs, or the Persians, or the Taliban. It’s my acquaintances in the media who ask the question – quietly, and among themselves: “Why do the American people…
Prudence, Prelates, and Politics
“If I attacked the Pope, I’d be on the front page of the New York Times Tomorrow” –Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, in Gary, Indiana, 1973 When does a prudential perversion become a calumny? Last week the Rubble reported how Bishop Steven Blaire of Stockton, chairman of a USCCB committee, has over the course of the…
Happy Feast Day!
Collect from Today’s Mass: O God, who adorned the Bishop Saint Robert Bellarmine with wonderful learning and virtue to vindicate the faith of your Church, grant, through his intercession, that in the integrity of that same faith your people may always find joy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with…
St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J.
This article is taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia (1907). A distinguished Jesuit theologian, writer, and cardinal, born at Montepulciano, 4 October, 1542; died 17 September, 1621. His father was Vincenzo Bellarmino, his mother Cinthia Cervini, sister of Cardinal Marcello Cervini, afterwards Pope Marcellus II. He was brought up at the newly founded Jesuit college in…
Who Speaks for the Catholic Church?
Joan Frawley Desmond offers an interesting potpourri of orthodox lay opinion regarding the dissident poseurs who hate the Church’s teaching but love the Catholic label. John Haas, Ed Peters, and others weigh in on this important issue. Charles Wilson, president of the Saint Joseph Foundation, which focuses on canon law, adds this important caveat: “Canon…
Bishop Morlino Speaks On The Laity And Church Social Teaching
Madison, Wisconsin Bishop Robert C. Morlino offers an important and profound corrective to the recent hijacking of Catholic Social Teaching by political hacks and religious frauds.Excerpt: “It is not for the bishop or priests to endorse particular candidates or political parties. Any efforts on the part of any bishop or priest to do so should…
Humanae Vitae Was Right!
A new book by Helen Alvaré pulls back the curtain on the contraceptive mentality and its foul fruits. Breaking Through honestly addresses realities that the sex-saturated seculars miss, or mock: obedience to God’s marvelous design for marriage brings Grace, harmony, and peace to a world that hungers for them.
The “Catholic Vote” and Other Myths
Charles Molineaux, longtime friend of the Forum, analyzes the “Catholic vote,” the rise of secularism, and the lingering scourge of clericalism in an important article for Crisis Magazine. Excerpts: “Since the presumed high water mark of the Kennedy election,” Molineaux writes, “the seeming solidity of Catholic laity has been dissipated by several factors, principally three: …
Sucha Flake Has Curious Reception at Georgetown
It goes to show how far we’ve “progressed” that a student at a “Catholic” institution becomes celebrated there for advocating rampant promiscuity.
Creating a Civics Course
This year I have the pleasure and honor of teaching a Civics course to a group of high school seniors at Saint Agnes School in St. Paul, MN. I suspect that most Civics courses around the country are taught in a way that overemphasizes modern political attitudes and delivers very little about what it means to…