Fr. John A. Hardon

What Does Easter mean TO YOU?

Do you believe in the resurrection, in Easter? I mean it, have you considered that because Jesus destroyed death from the inside out, that everything is different now? If you’ve kept a fast for lent, you have some natural feeling of this. Today, you’ve had your restraints unchained and you’ve tasted (literally) a new freedom. That is…


So you want to Re-evangelize? Catch Abbot Nicholas on EWTN Live tonight

Tonight, on EWTN Live, abbot Nicholas of the Holy Resurrection Monastery in Wisconsin will be the guest. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak at my parish this past weekend. His topics were on Christian mysticism, re-evangelization, ethnic and church traditions, and similar topics. I was particularly interested in the re-evangelization topic as I…


Do the American Bishops hate fasting?

I was shell shocked today by an omission I can hardly believe. At Mass, I heard the Gospel about the possessed boy out of whom the Apostles could not drive the demon. We all know the tale:  Our Lord drives the demon out, and the Apostles ask, “Why could we not drive out the demon?”  And Our…



For decades now, I’ve been assaulted by people who insist that Medjugorje is worth attention. They would send messages, daily messages, and talk of it endlessly. Some are still that way. I’ve never been convinced. I’ll talk about Fatima all day long. The alleged events at Medjugorje have always struck me as “off.” Since I’m on a roll of…


Fr. Hardon: Three reasons why the devil is so strong today.

Fr. Hardon gives the 3 reasons causing “the rise of heresy and the participation of priests & religious in the acceptance of homosexuality … why is the devil so strong today.


Catholic Dictionary: Menticide?

I was looking for something recently in my copy of Fr. John Hardon’s Modern Catholic Dictionary when I noticed an entry that caught my eye: Menticide. Mind killing. “The systematic effort to break down the beliefs and allegiances of a person by physical or psychological means, in order to substitute one’s own. Also called brain-washing, it…


Who is this Savior Born of Mary?

Christmas is wrought with contradictions and hope. I love it. I always have to wonder just Who people think Jesus is and what His Incarnation means for us today, though. Besought with an authoritarian government, the encroachment of Marxist demoralization, and myriads of distractions foisted on us by the mass media, it is difficult sometimes…


Bomb-Throwing Jesuits

The tomb of St. Ignatius Loyola is situated at a brilliant side altar in the Society of Jesus’s Mother church in Rome, the Church of the Gesu. One of the most striking features of the tomb of St. Ignatius is the sculpture to the right of the altar entitled “Religion Overthrowing Heresy and Hatred” by…


Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Chicago Bombings, Labor Riots, and Terror of Demons

What does St. Joseph have to do with May Day? How is Chicago tied into this feast? Is this feast still needed today or has the need go away? Find out why May Day is really St. Joseph day!!


Why Pontius Pilate is in the Apostles Creed, not Judas or the Jews. Gird your loins for the answer.

Of all the people and names surrounding the Passion and Crucifixion of Our Lord, why is Pontius Pilate singled out in the Apostles Creed by name? The answer will startle you.