Regular Contributions

Metz Yeghérn (“The Great Evil”)

In the summer of 2005, my family and I had the pleasure of visiting Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian at his home in New Hampshire. I have followed the work of Dr. Kalpakgian since the early nineties. I first recall reading him in the New Oxford Review as a high school senior. At the time, I was being fed a steady…


Francis Cardinal George, Teacher and Witness (1937-2015)

I first met Francis Cardinal George shortly after his elevation to Cardinal, probably sometime in early 1998. I met him through Fr. Leo Sweeney, S.J., a friend, teacher and long time philosophy professor at Loyola University Chicago. I can’t recall why His Eminence was at Loyola; perhaps it was a commencement, perhaps he was giving a lecture. In any event, he was in…


Jesus I Trust in You

by Guest Author, Terri Aluise Feast of the Divine Mercy Liturgical Color: White This Sunday we will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Many are familiar with the image of the Divine Mercy. It was revealed to a humble Polish nun, St. Faustina Kowalska, in 1931 in a vision she had of Christ. The image is of…


Kerygma for a Magdalen Ministry

About 20 years ago a friend of mine wrote a satire of modern ecclesial life in which he parodied the Bishops of the United States in a classic inversion of priorities in which the High Holy Day of Easter took second place to a  “Magdalen Ministry”–some sort of outreach where women’s contributions could be celebrated…


Popule meus, quid feci tibi, aut in quo contristavi te?

O my people, what have I done to thee? or wherein have I afflicted thee? Answer me. Because I led thee out of the land of Egypt, you have prepared a cross for thy Savior. O holy God! O holy God! O holy strong One! O holy strong One! O holy immortal One, have mercy upon us! O…


Let Nothing Disturb You

by Guest Author, Terri Aluise   This year, 2015, marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila. I have spent the last month or so trying to discern how I can, in my own feeble way, honor her on this occasion – for she is a close friend and a spiritual…


A Gift to Our Readers: Easter Strudel

We here at the Bellarmine Forum have often spoken of the revered traditional customs, especially those that take place at Easter and Christmas. Pope Benedict XVI has spoken eloquently of these and we have endeavored over the years to celebrate and bring to a wider audience these traditions. We have probably been disproportionate in our celebration of…


Go to Joseph!

 By Guest Author, Terri Aluise “Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine, At least I have always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” One of the best ways to honor St. Joseph, the patron of the family and protector of the universal church, is to hold a St. Joseph’s Day…


Miracle: St. Gennaro’s Relics Re-Vivify for Pope Francis [VIDEOS]

I used to watch the Bob and Penny Lord shows because they had a great way of traveling around and finding some great things worldwide about the Church that were really neat. I don’t recall them covering Naples and the miracle of St. Gennaro (Januarius). I can hear what they would be saying, though. I…


The Errors of Russia… Occultism, Theosophy, demon worship

Last year, I had an ambitious multi-part Fatima post series that I never finished. Truth be told, I’ve had a project about twenty years collecting tidbits and collating information. I’ve never been satisfied that “Marxist atheism” adequately describes the errors of Russia in the context of Fatima’s warning that “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world.”…