Regular Contributions

The Apostle to the Apostles

St. Mary Magdalene is one of the most inspiring figures in the Gospels, for she shows that God can turn our sins around and transform us into His Glory. Unfortunately, she has been used by many with an agenda to subvert the powerful revelation of Christ’s love for His Church. The Da Vinci Code Was…


ACTION ALERT! AmChurch Meat Grinder returns to Church of Our Saviour in New York

Over the decades, I have encountered the lame, stupid, and frankly tendentious “excuses” given by the apparatchiks of destruction, the front men for the insatiable beast of hell otherwise known as AmChurch (see, e.g. this post). The most inane tripe is passed off on the authority of a position to do the most treacherous things. For instance,…



The following is a reprint from the Wanderer Forum Foundation. On the heels of Laudato Si, it is important to remember from where some of the environmental movement got its strides. Unless we succeed “with our message of Urgency… We shall not be able to undertake the extensive Social Changes needed…”   From Our Common…


Agents of Death: The Alinskyian Effort to Manage Your Life’s End

Change agents hope to transform end-of-life care with “new” values   Journalist Ellen Goodman was a 2015 National Summit on Advanced Illness Care keynote speaker for The Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC).  She addressed the room of professionals in their personal capacity, “as mothers, as fathers, as sons, as daughters, as well as change agents…


The Marxist March Against Marriage and the Response Our Lady Asked For

A couple years ago, I posted one of the best images about marriage today and it came from the old St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism. Featuring both the worldly judge and the Eternal Judge rendering opinions of what was before them. The image shows a couple obtaining a no fault divorce, and a judge granting it to them. To…


Breaking the Rainbow Covenant (Be Fruitful and Multiply, and Fill the Earth)

In the wake of Friday’s Supreme Court decision, purportedly accepting same sex partners to so-called marriage, an onslaught of rainbows have been posted everywhere you look online. Even the White House had rainbow colors projected onto it to make the building look like a rainbow. You’d think we had just survived the greatest flood the world has…


Demystifying Why There was Supernatural at Medjugorje, but not the Messages

News is circulating today about a decision having been made in the Congregation for Doctrine and Faith that the messages of Medjugorje were in fact not supernatural. Nobody should be surprised. Over the years over we’ve been burdened by smug believers of the Medjugorje phenomenon who look down their nose and lecture on the superior knowledge to be…


The Inconvenient Truth for Liberals in Laudato Si

By Guest Author Terri Aluise The Vatican is set to release Pope Francis’ much anticipated encyclical Laudato Si on Thursday. A leaked draft version of the encyclical was released earlier this week and shows that Pope Francis believes that man is the primary cause of climate change. Not surprisingly, Conservatives are already in an uproar…


Using Social Justice Alliances to Subvert Catholic Principles

Frontal assault is not the best way to bring down a religious establishment.  That only creates martyrs and underground resistance.  Minimizing religious values, however, while elevating political ones is much more effective and, when the religious establishment cooperates with the process, it withers like a vestigial organ. Two examples – one from a predominantly Catholic and one…


Do Something to Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus Today on the Feast

Today, the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi, is the feast of the Sacred Heart. Sometimes, the feast is held on this following Sunday. The short story of the feast is explained in my trusty old catechism: A single word of Christ would have fully sufficed to redeem us, but it was not enough to…