Regular Contributions

Why Not Give to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development?

Hasn’t it undergone a major overhaul recently? When asked to explain, in a nutshell, why a Catholic might continue to oppose the annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection, despite recent protestations that the CCHD has put its house in order, there are four solid responses: CCHD continues to make grants to organizations that…


Russia To Build World’s Largest Statue of Jesus next to China, North Korea, Japan

When I was just coming out of law school, Tom Monaghan had been working on the concept of a University in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The planning and zoning commission had never received the updated area impact study, or developmental impact plans, I forget which part, but I remember going to the planning office and looking at the…


7 Surprising Things about St. Pius X

Pope Pius X was an ordinary guy who changed papal dining habits, created a spy network, caused miracles, carried candy for street people, and gave daily sermons – all while fighting modernism! but wait! there’s more!


US Bishops Seem to Say It’s OK to be Too Busy for God

There is a point in everyone’s life when you begin to see the tug-of-war between God and the World. The Gospels highlight, underline, and encircled this very tug-of-war during the encounter our Lord had with Satan in His forty days:  The devil put it out there clearly: “all these kingdoms are mine.”  Related to this…


St. Maximilian Kolbe: “No one in the world can change Truth!”

On the feast of St. Kolbe, it’s worth recalling this observation of his: “No one in the world can change Truth!” What we can do and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it. The real conflict is an inner conflict.   …there are two irreconcilable enemies in the…


Yes, it’s Bad, but Stop Belly Aching and Start Acting like a Soldier of Christ

It was a changing point in my life: “Lord, I feel really bad for you because I can leave this place, but You can’t!” I’ve never really looked at things the same ever since then. I had walked into a new parish to me in Michigan, one that was close to where I lived, and was…


John B. Manos : On EWTN discussing Religious Liberty

Bellarmine Forum Board Member John B. Manos discussing religious liberty in the courts with Colin Donovan on EWTN theology round table. Focusing on what the near future holds for those who hold on to Catholic beliefs, we can see the media use court decisions to whip up angry mobs in what can be called “trial by…


You Know Nothing

Recently, his Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, called out Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump out on his xenophobic rant on immigration, essentially calling him a “Know Nothing”. I personally want to thank his Eminence for pointing out the obvious for all to see, for the name seems quite appropriate when it comes to Mr. Trump –…


Dr. Art Hippler : Comparing classical Jesuit and Progressive views on Education

Bellarmine Forum Board Member Dr. Art Hippler speaking on classical education. An excellent lecture! Dr. Hippler, Chairman of Theology at Providence Academy, Minnesota, compares classical Jesuit and modern Progressive views of education.


Indulge Me, Please!

Let me indulge you for a second – in plenary indulgences that is. Shortly after I was married, I took my husband to my aunt’s house in Massachusetts for dinner. Someone brought up the war in Iraq and I thought, “Dear God, here we go.” There is nothing that an Irish Catholic family from Boston…